It has been quite a while since I posted last. Please understand I am very enthusiastic about this blog but this summer time has just gotten away from me. I told myself that this afternoon I would pick the green beans in the garden while Patrick is napping but I wanted to write a blog entry more, so the green beans will have to wait until later.
I know that summer is not over yet but I would characterize this summer as having some very wonderful days and moments as well as having some very challenging times too.
Patrick posing near the kangaroo statue at the LV. Zoo Time=Fun Time One thing Patrick and I do after we read our last story before going to bed it we say our prayers. Actually, usually we just say one prayer quickly before I lose his attention. Then we do something that is more for me than for him though maybe someday it will have an impact. This is when I will list all the good things that we are grateful for having in our lives.
So with this idea in mind. I wanted to shine a little light on my world and show you some of our challenges but also some of the blessings we have in our life. I know I am a very lucky person and this gratefulness exercise I engage in with Patrick before bedtime helps me to recognize how lucky I am.

1) In late June Bailey chased a rabbit and torn her the ACL in her back right leg on a Friday night. Our vet was able to see her the following Monday but also told us he was leaving for vacation for two weeks the following day and he would do the surgery when he returned. He told us she would be okay as long as we kept her on a leash and resting until after the surgery.
2) In mid-July Bailey had her surgery and had to wear a cone for two weeks. During this time she was very confused as to how to behave with the cone on. She sometimes found ways to slip out of the cone and lick her stitches. She pulled a few stitches loose.
3) End of June: The refrigerator goes on the fritz from an accumulation of dog hair under the refrigerator. The debris guard had previously been removed because Patrick liked playing with it too much. We vacuumed and cleaned accessible refrigerator areas. Refrigerator behaves for another week before we decide it is time to defrost refrigerator and to get it back on track.
4) I reasoned that I should eat all the frozen fruit in the freezer since it will have to be thrown away during the defrost. This proves too be a bad idea. Be warned: Too many raspberries will give you a stomach ache. That was a poor choice.
5) My mother-in-law has been ill this summer. This has been stressful for my husband and me too. On a positive note, her health is improving and she will be going home soon.
6) We took a toddler to Rhode Island to visit family and he woke up around 5:30 every day we were there. We walked around like zombies.
Things I am Grateful For:
1. I am grateful we were able to travel to Rhode Island and see family. I am grateful our car had no troubles getting us there or getting us home. I am grateful for the hospitality of our family who let us stay with them and fed us and put up with us while we were there. I am also grateful for the beautiful scenery. I am grateful for our time together.

2. I am grateful that my toddler son gets into everything. While it can be hard to always keep an eye on him and really you can’t take your eyes off of him. I am grateful that he is healthy and his mind is very curious.
3. I am grateful that our refrigerator is no worse for the wear. After the defrost our refrigerator seems to be working again. I am thankful that we did not have to replace it.
4. I am grateful for the WordPress skills I am learning by writing this blog. I am also grateful for the readership I have gained by writing his blog. I love it when people I know tell me that they have been reading it and they related to something I wrote. I am grateful for the connectedness I feel with the people around me due to this blog.
5. I am grateful for the mom friends I have made in the time since Patrick was born. Their friendship has really helped me to adjust to being a stay-at-home mom. I am grateful for all the meetups and playdates and times when we meet at the playground. I have learned a lot and gained a lot through these relationships.
6. I am grateful that Bailey’s surgery was successful. I am grateful that as of Monday she does not have to wear her cone anymore. She has also resumed taking walks so I am grateful that she seems like a happier dog since her vet appointment on Monday.
7. I am grateful that there is still a month of summer to go and we will have more adventures in August.

8. I am grateful that we have plenty to eat and a comfortable roof over of heads.
9. I am grateful that we will be getting Hulu Plus soon and we will be watching The Handmaid’s Tale. I am also grateful that Alias Grace, another of my favorite Margaret Atwood Books is coming to Netflix in the form of a mini-series this fall!
10. I am grateful that Game of Thrones is on TV again.
11. I am grateful to be another year older. Every year feels like a gift.
12. I am grateful for the future adventures on the horizon.
Peace . . .
What are you grateful for?