Now that the cat is out of the bag and most everyone knows that I am pregnant, it is time for me to move on to what happens next. For a long time, I think my main focus was enjoying summer and thinking about how I would surprise everyone with the news. Now everyone knows and summer is almost over, so it is time to move on. My other secret goal of the summer was to find more sustaining work. I currently work very part-time and while I enjoy my job very much I have been looking for something more hours. However, that is not how things worked out and I am starting to show so I don’t know how realistic my goal of interviewing for jobs is at this point.
Here is my 9 Item Plan for Moving Forward:
- I am going to stop defining myself by my job. Changing professions from a full time librarian to a stay-at-home mom was a huge psychological jump for me. I definitely struggled with it a lot since I started being a stay-at-home mom in November 2015. The first year of staying at home with my son was a struggle to just keep my head above water. I am almost at the end of my second year of doing it and I can say it is much easier now, but I still define myself by what I do or did do. It has been a bit of an ego bust to receive rejection e-mail after rejection e-mail or to go on interviews and not get the job. I used to always get the job. I know the reason is because I am not as flexible in my schedule as I once was and I have some experience now so I have expectations. I digress though, I am going to work on embodying this new role in my life. My main job right now is “Mommy” and that is pretty great too.
- I am going to keep blogging. Blogging has been a very positive thing in my life so far so I am going to keep on doing it. I feel like I am connecting with people and feeling more connected to them then I do on Facebook. This feels more real.
- I am going to keep listing things I need to do on legal paper.
There are days when after I put Patrick down for his nap I ask myself what is my purpose. This list keeps me on track. It helps me to remember that I have many responsibilities and goals for myself that are valuable and important.
- I am going to work on getting Patrick to where he is comfortable staying in the childcare at the YMCA for a long enough time for me to go for a swim or work out.
- I am going to keep swimming at the YMCA.
- I am going to keep working on tasks to better prepare us for new baby’s arrival in February.
- I am going to have some fall fun. Fun doesn’t have to end when summer ends. We are going to play in the leaves, ride bikes, go to the playground, visit pumpkin farms, and play outside.
- We are going to celebrate Patrick’s birthday. I don’t know how big or small the celebration will be but we are going to celebrate our boy turning 2.
- I am going to keep on reading and watching TV and writing about TV and books. I love having something to critique and think about.