Thank you readers for checking out my blog this year. As I mentioned before , I am extremely grateful that you have checked it out. Before the end of 2017 end I wanted to share some previously published posts that I enjoyed writing in the past year. All of these posts were my among my favorites to write this year. Some of these posts were received better than others and I wanted to share them again in case you missed them the first time around.
1. Car Singing and Tom T. Hall: My Dad’s Legacy: I treasure the memories of all the car singing we did during my childhood and my parent’s country mixed tapes. Ah, the 80’s and singing along to Kenny Rogers!
2. Ninja Turtles Vs. Baby-Sitter’s Club: How Do you define yourself? Or When Is Michael Bay going to make a Baby-Sitter’s Club Movie? : As a woman, I ask myself, when are movie studios and television executives going to market to me? Why is the Babysitter’s Club niche but The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles still a huge merchandise and movie money maker? It still pisses me off. This is why I wrote this piece that is one of my earliest and one of my favorite blog posts.
3. 7 Insights I Gleaned After Rereading Issues of Teen Magazine from 1991-96 [With Pictures]: I read a lot of Teen Magazine in my youth, find out what insights re-reading 10+ issues of the magazine from the early to mid-1990’s sprouted in my mind. Some of the insights are fun and some of the insights are darker than I thought they would be when I started the project of re-reading teenage magazine.
4. 9 Highlights from My Trip to Virginia: I like reading travel blogs and that is what I attempted to do with this post. I had a great time visiting one of my sisters who lives and Virginia and we had some time to take in Monticello while I was visiting.
5. The Quakertown Walmart has a surprise asset and it located in the back of the store: This is one of my earliest posts and one of my quirkiest. I would like to write more quirky posts like this in 2018. It was fun to take pictures of this very clean, surprisingly nice bathroom and write about it.
I can’t wait to keep writing in 2018!
If this is the last time I write for the year, Happy New Year!
Thank you for reading in 2017! What are you looking forward to in 2018?