Here are some snapshots of the week that was. Nothing here is too unusual just some pictures of ordinary life in January.

Patrick and I spent some time cleaning up the toy room today. He brought in his toy vacuum while I was putting the toys away and “vacuumed” the room for me (his idea). We are preparing because we will be combining the toy room with the guest room (and mounting a TV in that room) in order to make a room for us parents that is off limits to our kids and a family room with guest capabilities where we can watch TV and play on the 1st floor. This is in an effort to make baby care and child entertaining easier. We are trying to finish before our baby’s arrival.

On Monday I made a recipe from the book Fast Week Night Favorites. We had never tried it before- Chunky Seafood Stew. It is made with canned clam chowder, frozen cod, peppers, and white potatoes. It had umami but not as flavorful as we had hoped.

What have you been up to this week? Reply below.