Did you know that November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month?
Lung cancer is the number one killer of both men and women according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Lung cancer in male and female never-smokers is the sixth leading cause of all cancer deaths. Approximately two-thirds of never-smokers diagnosed with lung cancer are women. Of never-smokers, women are twice as likely as men to get lung cancer according to the Lung Cancer Alliance.

Silver Ribbons, all month long abound. My mother knew she had lung cancer for less than a year before she passed away and she never smoked in her life. I began 2018 without the slightest inkling that any of this was going to happen.
To help raise awareness and do something meaningful for cancer research, my sister Elizabeth started a Team for Relay for Life called: The Gaffron’s. We will be participating in the Relay for Life Event in Front Royal Virginia on June 8, 2019. We would love more members and if you are interested we welcome your interest in joining our team. Also if you are interested in making a donation, click here.
Thank you in advance for your support