Did you know that today, January 24th is National Compliment Day?
Some of my favorite people have important days today too. Today is my friend Mandy C.’s Birthday. It is also my friend Sara L.’s b birthday. It is my half birthday and today Baby Nugget is 11 month’s old. So fun is crammed into just one tiny day! Yippee!

It is also Beer Can Appreciation Day and National Peanut Butter Day!

So Without further ado, here are:
24 Compliments You Could Give Out Today on National Compliment Day:
[Note: Not every compliment will work for every person, but if you look through the list, you might just find one that will fit your situation]
- That sure is a beautiful beer can you got there on your night stand! (See! It’s a two-for-one because it is also Beer Can Appreciation Day)
- I love the way that peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth when you talk! (This one is also a two-for-one because January 24 is also National Peanut Butter Day).
- I like the way your corn tooth shines in the sun!
- A compliment for a young person: Your popsocket is so on fleek! (You might not understand, but they will know what you mean)
- Some people are #hairgoals; you are #chairgoals! (You could tell someone this if they have like a really great chair, like say if they have a like a comfy recliner).
- You are the Arby’s of people [but you could insert your favorite fast food restaurant in the space where I put Arby’s.]
- If I were an orangutan I would eat bugs out of your hair any day.
- If we were hungry and I only had two pieces of Halloween candy left and one was a packet of candy corn and the other was a mini Snickers bar, I would eat the candy corn so you could have the mini Snickers.
- You are the Raisinets of movie theater candy. [Again, insert your favorite movie theater candy in the sentence.]
- I would eat Vegemite for you that is how much I love you! [High praise indeed!]
- I feel comforted knowing that your monkey toes would keep us safe if we swinging from ropes Tarzan style or if we were on a ropes course together.
- You are the bacon on the Elvis sandwich this study group. [If you aren’t in a study group you could pick another group that fits your situation]
- I know your critical eye will prevent me from ever having plumber crack.
- I know that when I am old, I will be in good hands meat wise because you do such a good job with the pressure cooker.
- You keep us in good supply with buying toilet paper; I feel safe knowing we will never be without with you around.
- A compliment for your dental assistant- Thank you for giving me in all of the dental floss I will ever need. The floss you give me at my twice yearly visits keep me in good supply.
- To Panara Bread: Thank you for making soup and sandwiches a fancy dinner. Now when I make soup and sandwiches for dinner on a weeknight, I just tell everyone it is Panera Night in our house and it seems both fancier and more acceptable.
- Your snoring is comforting, it let’s me know that you are still breathing while also functioning as a white noise machine.
- Your scrunchie collection is evergreen. You were in style then and your are in-style now.
- A compliment for an aspiring singer: You are such a good singer that when you get on the radio they will hardly even have to auto-tune you.
- A compliment for a good speller: You are so good at spelling that I would definitely pick you to be my partner if I ever was ever a contestant on Friends and Family Wheel of Fortune Week.
- A compliment for an aspiring artist: You paint like a young Grandma Moses.
- A compliment for a person going through an amicable divorce: Wow, your divorce is like something right out of Hollywood. You guys are like the next Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck or Anna Faris and Chris Pratt.
- A compliment for someone who has stopped sniffing glue and is in a sticky situation and enjoys the movie Airplane: Wow, you picked the right day to stop sniffing glue!
Happy Thursday, I hope you enjoyed this silliness!

Here are a few for the author:
1)Your blog posts consistently bring a smile to my face. Keep up the good work!
2)Your corn tooth really brings out the yellow in your eyes!
3) I would chose you over beer or peanut butter most days!
Thank you so much friendly stranger!! You are too kind š
I love the vegemite compliment. My kiddos love to sing Men at Work. Thanks for informing me that January 24th is national compliment day. It made turning 40 a little bit better. Several years ago I had heard on the radio according to researchers January 24th is considered the most depressing day of the year. I like National Compliment day much better.
Happy Birthday again š I heard January 19th was the most depressing day of the year so I think that by the time January 24th comes around things are looking up š