Readers, I am sorry that it has been a while since I have written. I feel like I never have enough hours in the day. I am sure that is a common trait we all share.
Life has been busy lately. I am participating in two area consignment sales so I have been busy getting items that the boys have grown out of reading to consign lately. Again I am participating in the Just Between Friends sale in my area and the Kids Clothesline sale even though I vowed last time not to do two sales. I am doing it because while the sales are mostly the same, or have similar items that they accept, they both have some unique stipulations that makes it better for me right now to participate in both of them. Plus this allows me the cosigners privilege of shopping before the general public if I wish to do so. I also usually wait until the last minute to prepare my items too so I sometimes need to do a second sale to sell the things I did not get time to prepare for the first sale. Oh well, we will see how it goes.
Here is how my New Year’s Resolutions are going:
- I am not doing Vegan Before 6 right now. It is hard enough when you are just worrying about feeding yourself but for me I found it pretty hard to do when I also have to figure out a lunch and breakfast option for a 3 year old and 1 year old. I would like to do it though so I guess I will just have to keep trying.
- I have writing or blogging for three hours a week. This week I am spending about 1.5 hours on it. I don’t even know if I blogged last week. I love writing but lately I have been spending more time working on consigning, writing thank you notes for Baby Nugget’s birthday, and working out.
- I have been working out a good bit. I am reluctant to talk about it because I don’t think I look all that impressive when I doing it. It took me sometime in my training before I was able to run a 5k without walking for part of the time. But now I can run the whole thing without stopping. I also am not exceptionally fast but I am doing it. I feel like if I talk about it too much people will figure out that I don’t really know what I am doing. I guess my solution to that problem will be that I will just not talk to “serious” athletes about it.

- I have been working toward my goal of running something long to celebrate my 40th birthday. Which leads me to this news. I chose my running goal! Without further ado I have chosen my race. I will be running the D&L Half Marathon Run and Walk. It will happen on Sunday, November 3, 2019. I know that my birthday is in July and this is in November but July is too hot to run a long distance in my opinion. This race fits the bill. It is a run that is only for half marathoners, it is slightly downhill, there is beer at the finish line. The money from the race goes to the rail-trail that the race takes place one. The race is not too far away. It looks like a well-established race but also not too much of scene.
- I plan on running it. I really do want to invite anyone would would like to join me to join me whether you are running or walking. We have 8 months to train!
- How am I going to train you might ask? Well, I have been running on average 3 times a week since January but I need to do more than that if I am going to run 13.1 miles on November so I bought a book to help me develop a training plan.
I have it on good authority that this book is the guide to read if you want to run a half marathon.
I hope to write more regularly so hopefully I will see you all soon.
Reply to this post if you would like to join me on November 3rd. I am serious. I would love company!