Hi Friends,
It’s been a long time. Sorry about that. I still really like writing this blog but life sure gets busy sometimes. Mr. Man will be done school soon and I know that will leave me with even less time to myself but I still have once ace in the hole-the YMCA, specifically the childcare room at the YMCA.
You see for many years in the past we have canceled our YMCA membership during the summer money because historically we have not used our YMCA that much during the summer but this year we are keeping our membership. So what that means is that the possibility exists that we might go to the YMCA every day if we need to. Children are allowed to go to the childcare room for up to two hours a day and it has a pool that is indoors which is awesome because sometimes that outdoor pool in our town is closed. Also sometimes you don’t want to worry about your kids getting sunburned.
While the boys are in the childcare area I can work out or I can bring my laptop and use the WiFi to write on my blog while my children are being taken care of so I am very thankful that we are members. This summer I also plan for us to do lots of swimming and playing outside.

So anyway here is what is going on with the resolutions:
1.Communicating with friends and family more: Well, I haven’t been great at doing this one but I have been okay. I have some trips planned this summer and hopefully I will see lots of family then. I have been talking on the phone some but when my children are awake they seem to need my attention and when they are asleep I am sometimes doing other things that I have a hard time doing when they are awake. I am going to give myself a pass on this one, I communicate about as much as I can while having small children who need me to constantly play attention to them.
2. Blogging: I haven’t been blogging a lot lately but I would like to blog more. Perhaps I should not try to finish an entry in one sitting, I don’t always have time for that, instead maybe I should only promise myself that I am going to work on it for 10 minutes a day and see how that goes.
3. Running: I am still running. I don’t know if I am making the kind of progress that I will need to make if I hope to run a half marathon in November but I am still running. I find it hard to run on the treadmill but I can use the YMCA’s childcare to watch my children if I run there. Mr. Katie has been super supportive of my running goals but there are only so many hours in a day so it is hard to schedule in running outside since I only do that when he is home and we have other things that have to get done like mowing the lawn and making dinner. But he has been awesome and I have been running 3-4 times a week. This coming Saturday I am participating in the Coopersburg 5K. I also registered for the Ironton Trail 10 K Run/ Walk in August. I have a training book that I ordered from Amazon that includes training plans for training for a half marathon. It is called: Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training by Hal Higdon. It is all in preparation for the half marathon I am registered to run on November 3rd called the Delaware and Lehigh Half Marathon, which is on a rail trail and is great fun I have been told.
All you can do is try, is my motto these days. I am not always where I want to be with my goals but I am doing them. Also if anyone wants to run any of these “races” with me please sign up. I would love some company.
I hope to write more soon. Stay well.