My father came to visit my last weekend. While he was sitting in my living room he asked me why I was writing in a little blue book in my purse. He asked me if I was going to ask him questions I had written down, since apparently my mother had a grandfather who used to do just that same thing.
I told him no, I keep a little book (actually I have three little books in my purse) so I can write down snippets that come to me that might be something later.
So you’re welcome for this!
You can thank me later for collecting little bits of silliness in my purse.
I have actually said these things to my husband, which is what makes them funny to me.
5 of My Most-Recent, Tritest Complaints
(or First World Problems)
One) Recently, I have developed a taste for espresso. We received an espresso machine as a wedding present but it has only been in the last few months that I have started really using it on my own. My first complaint is that I hate how I have to wash the sink more often now that I rinse out the portafilter (metal thing that holds the grounds) full of used grounds in the sink. So icky! I know we should probably get a knock box (a place to put espresso grounds, but we don’t have one.
Two) Ditto for washing the sink after using the blender. Lately, I have been so into green smoothie making and I hate how dirty the sink gets after I wash out the blender cup in the sink. The chopped up spinach gets everywhere. I am trying to be healthier, not do more work. Geez!
Three) I totally hate it when I want to make a recipe that has tofu in it but I have the wrong kind of tofu in my fridge. Who buys silken tofu? I only ever have extra firm. Guess I will have to make do.
Four) I hate it during my Pilates class on Monday or the yoga class on Fridays when the teacher over-explains all the variations on a position. By the time she is done explaining all the things I could do, I either A) forget the original one that is the one we should do unless we need a workaround or b) I am too tired of holding it to actually do the move for when it counts.
Five) I didn’t have a smart phone until 2016 and then I had a used Samsung 4. It took lousy pictures, but they were a step-up from the pictures of my previous phones. Last fall, I got a Google Pixel 3A and the resolution on the camera is so good, it is amazing. The only thing is that with the pictures that I take now, I have to decrease the resolution so I can upload them to my blog. Whaa, that’s another step to working on the blog that I write in my free time for pleasure.
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I don’t have any tote bags, but posts will come delivered to your e-mail every week.
What first world problems do you have?
Tell me in the comments below!
Did you take that pic Katie, that is cool!!
Hi Tina,
Thank you for reading. No I didn’t. I have a easy time uploading my pictures at home but I wrote this post at work and it has different picture program on their computers so no, this is a picture I found online that has permissions for reuse.