1) I am lying to my preschooler to keep the peace. On Friday at dinner, I put red food coloring in my glass of ginger ale, so it matched the red Kool-Aid that was in his cup. You see, his drink was already poured when I decided that I really wanted ginger ale not Kool-Aid. Then I thought that since I made dinner I could have any drink I wanted with my dinner. But also, I am not enough of a grownup to just tell my child this, so I put food coloring in my ginger ale and when he asked, I told him that I had Kool-Aid too.
2) So much walking (and some running). Yesterday, I hit 15,000 steps, a number that seemed unattainable in my previous life as a non-quarantined person.
3) A lot of text messaging with my sisters. We text funny links, what we made for breakfast, our weekend plans, pictures among other things. It is great to have this kind of closeness about the tiny choices that populate large blocks of our day now.
4) A week and a half ago, I found a book of postcards on my bookshelf that depicted old-timey National Park Posters. I bought them on a trip a few yeas ago to Skyline Drive. So I did the logical next step and wrote messages on the back about that sort of insinuated that I just came back from a trip to the various parks. Each message was personalized, some were sillier than others. I mentioned about how it was awesome that the parks were free but it wasn’t so great that the bathrooms were closed.
Since then, I have gotten several text messages asking me if I had really gone to those parks during the quarantine. It’s been fun and it has been a way to talk to people about something else than what is going on in the world. I liked it so much that I ordered postcards pertaining to other subjects online and I am going to send them out with more invented stories.

What are you doing during these strange days?
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