One of things that is really getting me though these times is being obsessed about the Netflix show Bojack Horseman. The hubs and I have been watching it since it was released by Netflix in 2014. Not long before the pandemic, we decided that we would rematch the show from the beginning before watching the final 6-episodes that were released this past January. Currently, we are on season 5 in our re-watch of the 6 season show.
By watching the entire series in its almost entirety twice, I have picked up on fun trivia that the writers and artists have embedded into the background which is great because there is a lot to look at in this show.
In 2017, I made an American Dad Trivia Quiz that you can read if you missed it.
So without further ado:
15 Trivia Questions about BoJack Horseman (Answers in Red at the end)
1) What state was BoJack born in? What state did BoJack grow up in?
2) What did Princess and Carolyn and Ralph call their unborn fetus?
3) Doggy, Doggy, What now? How many times has Mr. Peanutbutter been engaged? Name all of his ex-wives?
4) What was the name of the game show that Mr. Peanutbutter hosted in season 2? Who was the creator/showrunner for that gameshow?
5) Who stole the D in the Hollywood sign? Who takes credit for stealing the D?
6) What are the names of the twins on the show Mr. Peanutbutter’s house?
7) What are the human children characters names on Horsin’ Around?
8) What is Judah’s, Priness Carolyn’s assistant, last name?
9) What is the name of the bear nurse that tends to Herb Kazzaz and Beatice Horseman?
10) What is Hollyhock’s last name?
11) How many TV shows does BoJack star in during the course of the show?
12) What position does Todd interview for at Whattimeisitrightnow.com when he is brought to the Top of the Company?
13) What is Diane’s hometown?
14) What does Sarah Lynne wish that she went to college to study?
15) What is the name of the company executive that tells Diane that congress passed a law that you are allowed to murder someone if you are rich?

1) Born in California, grew up in Michigan (Time’s Arrow 4:11)
2) Philbert (The Judge 4:8)
3) Engaged 4 times (Katrina Peanutbutter, Jessica Biel, Diane Nguyen and Pickles) Married 3 times (all the ladies minus Pickles)
4) Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things?? Let’s Find Out!; J.D; Salinger
5) BoJack steal the D at the end of Our A-story is a “D” Story; Mr. Peanutbutter takes credit and claims it as a romantic gesture towards Diane
6) Zoe and Zelda
7) Olivia (Joelle), Bradley (Ethan), Sarah-Lynn (Sabrina)
8) Mannowdog (It is on a file folder in some episode, maybe Ruthie 4: 9)
9) Tina (4:6)
10) Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzarelli-McQuack
11) Horsin’ Around, The BoJack Horseman Show, Philbert
12) Janitor
13) Boston
14) Architecture
15) Jeremiah White Whale
Thank you for playing!!!

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