I have started keeping a notebook with all of my writing ideas to write about for next week. I have a lot of ideas, but also I am starting to get overwhelmed with how much I want to say.
Here are some things that happened this week that maybe don’t need long stories but I wanted to share them with you. Enjoy.
One of my sisters and I got together last weekend and went on an epic hike. Until I saw her, I had not seen a anyone from my side of the family in five months.
Here I am on the hike. Photo credit: Liz Gaffron.
While my vehicle was parked in my sister’s driveway, it seems to have gotten attacked my birds. The left picture is of the driver’s side, the right is the passenger side. Needless to say, a trip to the carwash was in order.
My older son decided yesterday morning that since he was wearing his crab shirt, he should try to recreated a picture we took over a year-and-a-half ago. He wasn’t looking at the original when we tried it, but I think it came out pretty good.
Sometimes we have relatively few plans, so lately breakfast has become very elaborate. My older son insists on some mornings that I make his a fast food style breakfast complete with a toy, even in the restaurant that we are modeling doesn’t have toys. This is Dunkin Donuts Wake-Up Wrap, complete with branded napkin and two toys in baggies. I was supposed to put it all in the tower made of blocks, but it didn’t fit.
Sometimes we make up stories about the stuffed animals. In this scene, a grown-up Daniel Tiger is posing with his twin sons and his new girlfriend Katerina Kittycat. We don’t know where the mother of his tiger children is.
On Wednesday, I learned first-hand that you would only open Affresh, washing machine cleaning tablets, with scissors like it says on the package because I didn’t use scissors and the product flew up and got in my eyes while I was opening it. I had my contact lenses in and I was a little afraid to open my eyes. When it did, my eyes did burn a little and I took my contact out for the day and threw away that pair. Thankfully, my eyes are fine now.
One day this week, we visited Elmwood Park Zoo and the boys convinced me that we should feed the giraffes. We were given lettuce to feed them. When I was looking down at the lettuce in my hands, I noticed that I had a little bit of poop on my finger nail because I had just changed a diaper. I had had washed my hand immediately after changing the diaper, I guess I just missed something. So right after this picture was taken we high-tailed it back to the rest room sink. Sometimes you like you have life together only to find out that you are very wrong.
Today I was in a little bit of a funk, maybe because of the weather. My older son had been acting sort of aggressive and I hoped we could go to a park before the younger one’s speech therapy, but it started raining on the way to the park. Instead, I decided we should stop at Whole Foods, which we only do every year or so. At Whole Foods, I felt inspired and I decided that I would make a blue cheese, arugula, carnalized onion, and fig jam pizza for dinner. It was excellent and gave me back some mojo. I would do it again however, I think that I would think twice about taking a 3 and 5 year old into Whole Food though any time soon.
Katie: I find your writings fun, fascinating and I often smile a lot after reading! You are very clever in the topics you write about! Love it!