I keep walking past this sign at the cart return at my local Giant grocery store for Yasso Greek Yogurt Sandwich treats (kind of ice cream sandwiches) that reads “The Reward For Whatever Thing You Just Did: Yasso“.
I always think it is really funny but I never seem to be in a position to take a picture of it so you will just have to take my word. I like it because it says “For Whatever Thing you Just Did” and that seems really lazy but also the advertisers did it anyway so I like that they decided to go with that. I like that they are not speculating about what I am celebrating.
Seeing that sign, got me thinking about signs and how I like to take pictures of signs that make me laugh. So I thought that I would share some of those with you.
Here are Two From My Recent Shenandoah Trip:
We saw this sign when we were maybe half way up Old Rag Mountain. It was in a particularly rocky area so I didn’t image anyone would be camping there and that was why I thought the sign was funny. I am sure the NPS had their reasons though. I believe it was posted there because of the elevation.
On my trip to Old Rag Mountain we stayed at Shenandoah, in the park, at a lodge called Skyland. There were not coffee makers in our room and the Skyland coffee cart wasn’t open when we left the park before 7:30 am when it opened. We drove through a town on the way to Old Rag that had one coffee shop. Unfortunately, it didn’t open until 8:00am. What kind of coffee place doesn’t open until 8am?
Here are some of my favorite signs from around the town where I live. Both are “campaign signs”.
“Nuff Said
I am sure that somebody isn’t finding this funny but it made me laugh out loud
Here are some signs from adventures with boys:
My husband and I laughed a lot because these were essentially “Pooh Sticks”, but the boys loved them. You dropped them into the creek to watch how long it took them to get under the bridge. I know there aren’t any in the basket in this picture, but someone came around after it was taken and said “I need to refill the Pooh Sticks”, so I guess that is what they were called after all.
This sign is up in a playground in Bucks County. I just like how happy the Hippos are.
I took this a few years ago at the Eatn ‘Park in Somerset. I just think we should aim higher with our #GOALS than $4 Apps. One of my sisters thought that was a bit of cynical view, but I stand by it.