Hi Friends,
I know that it has been a while since I last blogged.
Since we have last been in touch my family and I have had several new adventures.
Here are some of the most recent:
-Mr. Man started afternoon kindergarten
-Preschool Nugget started the three year old class at his preschool. It meets three mornings a week
-Mr. Man joined a under seven year soccer team and started having practices
On top of that, the four of us, as a family, departed on six camping trips in our popup camper this summer between June 25 and August 27th. On our longest trip we were away for four nights and six days and three of our trips only lasted for a weekend.
Five of our six camping trips were at Pennsylvania State Parks. We also took one out of state trip to Rhode Island to visit some family and visit the beach.
Not every trip went smoothly, so please don’t get that impression. Along the way we got stung by bees, plenty of mosquito bites, poison ivy, missing children and had a flat camper tire while driving on I-87 in New Jersey.
Also my husband and I like to remark that we got very little sleep this summer, despite the melatonin, because even though the camper is comfortable it still isn’t as comfy as our bed at home.
Also the six camping trips do not count the camping trip that we did for Father’s Day weekend in our backyard. It does not count the overnight tent campout where we joined some friends for a camping class in May.
Additionally, it does not count the two night historic inn stay my husband and I took without our children in June to celebrate our 10th Wedding Anniversary.
Without further ado, I am introducing a series of blog posts about the camp grounds, parks, and trips we took this summer.
My new blog post feature is called: Adventuring With Katie.
Perhaps reading about our adventures will give you some ideas of places to visit or not to visit. You might even get a laugh.
Come back on Friday for the first post in the series where I write about my visit to Shenandoah National Park in April with one of my sisters, but without Mr. Katie, Mr. Man and
Preschool Nugget.
See you then. . .