Guess Who Got Glasses? Is that Harry Potter or is that Patrick?

Check out this newly minted six year old with his new glasses. The journey toward glasses wearing began last summer when Patrick’s young eye doctor thought that he might start to need wearing glasses when he started school. He was supposed to wear a patch while watching television in the morning. We were not the best people in the world at enforcing that truth be told.
In October, I took Patrick back to the eye doctor to get his eyes re-check and indeed he did need glasses.
Note to parents: If your eye doctor can’t make up his mind if your child needs glasses but insists that you come back just a few months after you were just at there then proceeds to dilate your child’s eyes both times which causes your child to freak out and perhaps you have to almost hold your child down to get their eyes dilated both times, perhaps then it is time to find a eye doctor that can make up his mind about your child’s sight or maybe is better at dealing with younger children. He was a nice eye doctor but he seemed to want to check and re-check Patrick’s vision both times. You might say, things started getting really wiggly!
Any who, Patrick’s glasses have come in and hopefully we won’t have to go back to the eye doctor for another year. He really likes his glasses in any case and today, the day he got his glasses, a birthday present came in the mail. Appropriately, it is an official Harry Potter wand! What a thing to receive on your first day having glasses if you are a young boy.
Thank you Pap!
Come back tomorrow for a new picture of the day
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Look at that handsome young man!
Thank you Aunt Jenny
Looking good Patrick! I love your glasses! Annabelle wears glasses now too. Well she wears them at school.
Glasses are fun. I bet Annabelle looks great!
He certainly is a handsome lad! As someone who recently had her eyes dilated – I agree wholeheartedly that it’s the worst.!
Thank you Aunt Heidi
OH I cant believe Mr. Man has to wear glasses. Aunt Susan had to wear glasses in second grade and she has a lazy eye. Let me know if my handsome little man if doing okay!
Aunt Jeanne