Around this time last year, when I was still on Instagram, a friend posted a picture of a flower with snow around it and wrote a caption that said something that I remember as, “I am feeling a little awkward right now, let’s be awkward together, springtime.” I liked it at the time and it popped into my thoughts this year because it seems like springtime has taken such a long time to get here. Every week, I think to myself, “Yay, spring is finally here, I can tell because it got warmer for one day or two days in a row or the rain today feels a little springy or I see a small flower on the ground.” Yet spring hasn’t quite seemed to materialize. I know it is supposed to be warm tomorrow, it will probably be in the 60’s while you are reading this, but the weather reports say it is going to get back into the no-mans-land of seasons, the high 40’s and low 50’s. So we will end up back in this fun liminal state.
That is why I am writing this post right now because soon it might all be forgotten. Summer will be here with its hot days and probable socializing. Right now, I am feeling a little bit awkward about socializing. I think we all are. Everyone is a little bit rusty after winter and the events of the past two years.
I like to think of this post as a little bookmark, like the kind I used to use on my Internet browser but have since abandoned. I used to bookmark like almost every webpage that I was interested in. Recipes for blueberry pie, homemade dumplings, job searches, tips for shopping at Aldi, these bookmarks sort of became a historical record of my interests during a certain time.
So what I want to remember about this time is the panic but also the excitement of being a little over three weeks away from my next half marathon. It is an awkward time when I keep asking myself if I think that I can really do this because it seems possible but also I have a certain amount of doubt. It feels pretty cold every time I run and the wind blows sometimes across, sometimes behind and sometimes in front of me while I am running. I don’t run as fast as I feel like I should be with the amount of training that I have put in.
In regards to remembering this time for the future, I would like to remember the goodwill and grateful feelings that I am currently feeling for the YMCA and the babysitting room which is helping me to achieve my goal. I am also feeling quite grateful to the boys for being agreeable and enjoying themselves when visiting the YMCA babysitting room. I would like to remember how thankful I am for the flagship YMCA branch in Doylestown that we have been visiting on Sundays lately to use their super warm pool and deluxe accommodations.
I would like to remember the bonding with the ladies today in my Spin class over the ways in which we think exercise if helping us manage our stress and how the world seems crazy right now and how we are crazy too but at least we have spin class.
I would like to remember the playing outside this afternoon with my boys at the park with our friends. I would like to remember how many adventures Mr. Man and his friend invented for themselves and the ways that Preschool Nugget walked the whole way into the creek in his tennis shoes and tall socks with shorts. I would like to remember how they seemed to be impervious to the chilly air and wet feet.
Moment bookmarked.

Great post Katie! Good luck on your half marathon!
Good luck, Katie!