Sheetz and Wawa, you know them, you love them.

Wawa is located in the eastern part of the state and Sheetz more westerly located in Pennsylvania, although both establishments can now be found all over the eastern seaboard.
So simila,r but each with their own brand.
I have outlined the major differences.
Here are the top 10 differences between Sheetz and Wawa:
- A larger percentage of Sheetz locations sell alcohol than Wawa locations so Wawa customer’s have to make two stops to make a whiskey and coke. At Sheetz, customers can buy Wild Turkey at the checkout (they really can, I’ve seen it, the bottles are right next to the individual bananas).
- Wawa has been spoofed several times on NBC’s SNL while Sheetz products and references have been included on NBC’s The Office. So you know, Thursday night vs. Saturday night NBC television, the difference is huge.
- Judging by the clientele, Sheetz probably sells more Skoal brand smokeless tobacco.
- Wawa sells hoagies, Sheetz sells subs.
- Rumor has it that the meat on Wawa sandwiches comes from people that go missing after run-ins with Gritty.
- Even though Sheetz boasts a more robust bakery than Wawa and has more product names with Z s in them, Calzones and Cannoliz seem more like a Wawa offering than a Sheetz product.
- The headquarters of Wawa is found in Delaware County, PA in an area that used to populated by dairy farms and now is mostly roads crisscrossing suburbia. The headquarters of Sheetz is found in Altoona, PA in a small city located near highways and busy roads but not far from dairy farms.
- At Sheetz locations in Pennsylvania, the gas station area is full of pickup truck drivers who use their trucks for farming, hunting and hauling air. Wawa parking lots are also full of pickup trucks drivers. They use their trucks for carrying construction materials, transporting recreational equipment like kayaks, and hauling air.
- Mexican offerings at Wawa include: quesadillas, burritos, and chalupas. Sheetz in contrast features: quesadillas, burritos, and nachos. Finally, the number one difference between Sheetz and Wawa . . .
- In the parking lot of Sheetz, you get cut off by a Jagoff. In the parking lot of Wawa, you get cut off by a Jabroni.
As you can see, they are very different places!

Makes me want a smuffin……real bad!!!!!
Haha. The Sheetz/Wawa rivalry is always funny.
Thank you Katie
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I want a Schmonster