If you haven’t yet read my story about my pigeon encounter, here’s the link.
After thinking about my pigeon story after publishing it, I realized that there were some details I left out about my pigeon encounter.
But If you don’t plan on reading about it, here is the story in summation. I am afraid of birds, notoriously so. I don’t try to hide it. I hate it when you are somewhere like an amusement park and little birds fly out of the trees and try to get close to you. I hate it when I am in a city and pigeons fly near you to eat things on the street. I don’t go into pet stores if the store has birds in open cages on display. I have not interest in ever visiting an aviary again ( I went once and that is something I don’t want to do again).
Two weeks ago a pigeon landed on the railing of my front porch while I was engrossed in other activities. I shouted at it to go away and it did not go away. I got off the porch to get away from it and opened the hatch of my car. It followed me to my car.
Then I did a totally rational thing, and I got into the back of my station wagon to hide from the pigeon. Instead of taking a hint and flying away, the pigeon flew itself on top of my car. I told it again that it needed to leave and the bird just stayed there.
Then I closed the hatch of my car and cowered in fear until it flew off of my car. In the meantime, I had sort of a mental breakdown and repeatedly nervously told my young sons to get in the car and close the doors. I might have started crying.
Finally, when the pigeon finally got off the car roof and I could see that it had flown a little bit away, I got out of the back of my car and ran to the drivers seat and drove to my safe place, Target. I am kind of basic in this way.
However, when originally recounting this story for you all, one detail I didn’t mention is that the pigeon totally hung around my house after we were all safely in the car but before I turned the car around and drove to Target. It didn’t want to seem to leave the scene of the encounter. After hanging out on the roof, it flew over to the electric lines that parallel the street right in front of our house. It stayed on the powerlines the entire time I was pulling away. It really kind of wanted to hang out in front of our house.

In yesterday’s recounting of the story, I mentioned my crazy reaction, but honestly this bird was not acting in a normal bird way. This bird was extraordinarily interested in me and my front yard. It was not being a normal bird. Afterwards, I Googled whether birds could get rabies and apparently they cannot. So I really did not have a good explanation for why this bird would be so interested.
Enter my next door neighbor Sandy.. .
When recounting the story in yesterday’s post, I forgot to mention that my elderly but amazingly spry across-the-street neighbor Sandy suggested that she though the bird might be somebody’s pet pigeon that was maybe looking for companionship. The fact that the pigeon not only tried to make friends with me but also tried to get into her daughter’s house suggests that this story could be true. After my encounter and the encounter at her daughter’s house, neither of us ever saw the pigeon again, so maybe it found it’s way home. I am glad that I talked to Sandy about my pigeon experience because while it was embarrassing that she saw me breakdown like that, she gave me some valuable insight into what could have been going on on with the bird. Plus she told me about her daughter’s experience of the pigeon trying to get into her daughter’s house just after my weird bird encounter.
In any case, in life I go through cycles where sometimes I feel a bit more superstitious than at other times. This pigeon visit, and my other recent animal encounters that I plan on sharing with you over the next few days, have awoken something in me that makes me wonder if my other neighbor, is correct and the nature is trying to tell me that I should keep my eyes open for a message from the universe.
Maybe I should finally learn how to read my tarot cards. Who knows?
That is all for now,
Please keep us updated on your adventures!
I gladly will. thank you for reading