This past weekend we had a Gravity Falls themed birthday party for old son’s (Mr. Man) 7th Birthday.

At some point in the last year, Mr. Man discovered Gravity Falls on the splash page for Disney+. He quickly became very interested. After he finished watching the final episode he said something to the effect of that was the most satisfying show I ever watched.
Since then, he has become obsessed with Gravity Falls. We have been ordering books about Gravity Falls through our local library. He dressed up as Dipper for Halloween just one week ago.

I wanted to write and share today with the intention of helping anyone who wants to host their own Gravity Falls birthday party.
In the past year, I quit Facebook and Instagram so could not use Instagram, in particular, as a resource for inspiration to plan this party so instead, I came up with some of the ideas on my own. I also do not know what my Pinterest password is and am not really that good at creating displays. So instead, my husband and I decided to harness our talents and used those to drive the direction of the party.
Hopefully, these will help you need inspiration for your own Gravity Falls themed party.
Ideas for Your Gravity Falls Birthday Party
We decided to throw the party at a local park pavilion. Located close to the pavilion was a playground. Mr. Man’s birthday is in early November and we live in the northeast so we were kind of taking a chance that the weather would cooperate. Luckily, the weather completely cooperated and we had a beautiful fall day with temperatures in the low 70’s. The only real challenge we experienced with our setting was that it was a fairly breezy day and the party was outside so things (like tablecloths) kept blowing away. There were also some yellow jackets that kept getting into the sweet foods. Honestly, it is a good thing that I am not that good at setting up food displays because the yellow jackets would have been in the beautifully set up food the entire time.
What We Purchased:
I purchased this set of Gravity Falls stickers from Amazon. I also purchased this Gravity Falls party set. My son really enjoyed the stickers, cake topper, and banner. Nothing in the set came assembled. It was a little bit time consuming to put together the cake toppers and banner. On the day of the party I was I took time before the party of assemble those items. The balloons smelled like chemicals so we didn’t use them. We hid them when my son wasn’t looking. Also we put the water bottle stickers into the party favor bags. Those were a big hit, apparently water bottle stickers are very in. I don’t regret buying the party set because it set the theme for the party, but the picture on Amazon makes it look more delux than it actually is.
I also purchased some general paper suppliers like cups, cake plates and things like that from Amazon. They are not Gravity Falls specific. I supplemented with some plastic table clothes (that did not get used because of the wind) and other party supplies from the Dollar Tree. With Mr. Man’s birthday being in early November I found a lot of spooky (going with the theme) supplies with the Halloween things at the Dollar Tree. I saw that there were some nice Gravity Falls Party items on Etsy but I was afraid that they would not arrive in time.
Favor Bags: I made favor bags that consisted of a paper bag containing: Gravity Falls Stickers, Healthy-ish Oat and Fruit bar, a pack of wildflower seeds, mini pack of facial tissues, a ring pop, and a tootsie pop. The children also collected candy from the pinata that they could put in their bag.
Inspired by one of my friends who hosted a birthday party this past summer with fun games for children, I decided to research children’s party games. Essentially, I decided that we would have normal-ish party games and that I would create a small backstory about Gravity Falls that would tie the games together. What I learned is that the guest did not particularly care too much about the details of the game as long as they were doing something together and could run around.
This website is the source of the first game. It is called Balloon Stomp. The adults present gave each child a balloon on a string and helped to tie the balloon to the child’s leg. Then the children tried to pop the other party participants balloons. The last person with a balloon at the end of the game won. It was chaotic, but they liked it. I don’t know if I even had a backstory for this game, but it got the party started.
For our next game, I told them that Bill Cipher (and I pointed to the triangle pinata of Bill) used magic to turn the Gravity Falls Family into a portrait and then cut up the portrait into puzzle pieces. The children had to go around the area around the area surrounding the pavilion and find the pieces of the puzzle. (I put the puzzle pieces in individual zip lock bags before the party and hid them) . Then the party participants had to bring all the pieces back to a picnic table and put the puzzle together. Then the birthday boy had to use a magic wand (his lightsaber) to zap the puzzle to bring the family back to life.
I made this game up. I had been considering planning a scavenger hunt but I was afraid of sending them away without enough grown up supervision. This way I got the advantage of getting them to run around and look but not venture too far from the party.

For our final activity before pizza, my husband (the chemist) prepared some bags filled with glue and had the children make slime out of borax solution, food coloring and water. Here is a link to the recipe. This was a big hit. He also had a story about Bill and the slime. I am glad that we both got to share our interests and creativity with the children.
Then the children played on the playground while we waited for the pizza to arrive.
After eating lunch, I tried a quick round of Gravity Falls Mad Libs that fell a little flat. There is an age where Mad Libs go over very well but I learned on Saturday that seven is not that age.
Luckily, it was time for everyone to take turns swatting at the pinata that we made of the villain on Gravity Falls, Bill Cipher. We made the pinata with the Mr. Man the weekend before his party. The Mr. Man also helped make the cupcakes the day before the party. He really liked working on the preparations for his party. Helping with his party added a lot of value for him.

Here is what I learned by hosting this party:
- Stick with your strengths. I used to hate hosting parties because I sometimes can be a bit scattered in my thoughts and I always used to feel like my parties had an air of being thrown together at the last minute. Honestly, I still felt a little scattered but instead of trying to throw someone else’s party, I am trying to do what I know how to do and I am creative and know how to lead games (thanks chidren’s librarianship and camp counseling) also I am creative. I still don’t really know how to throw a party where the audience is adult, but maybe I could just do the same thing for adults.
- Enlist the help of your spouse. Brendan’s gift is science and his Gloop creating activity really added to the party. I was glad that he shared his gift. He also helped create the pinata and really got into designing it.
- Enlist the help of your children. Mr. Man really liked helping create his own party. The week before the party he really looked forward to doing party related tasks.
That’s all. What have you been up to?
The party sounded awesome Katie! I’m glad it went so well for you. And I love Mr. Man’s Dipper costume. I’ll have to email you some pictures of Annabelle’s Mabel costume.
Thank you Katie. I also loved Annabelle’s costume.