On Thursday, my sister Liz and I ran in a Turkey Trot race for a fun morning Thanksgiving activity. We both found it to be fun and life affirming! Thanks Scoogie Events.
I read an article about how Turkey Trots and Turkey Burn events can be triggering to people with eating disorders and should be steered clear of. After reading the article, I felt a sense of empathy about the mention of exercise and holiday eating can be upsetting for some people. However for me, I found the Turkey Trot to be a fun way to get the holiday weekend started and it was not a means to an end of exercising so I could eat food.
In fact, Liz and I felt a sense of huge sense of comradery with the other participants and spectators present at the race. For me, it prompted a sense of interconnectedness with the people around me. It encapsuled with Thanksgiving is about for me in that it allowed me to be thankful for the ability to move my body and share in a sense of community.
It was great and I love doing activities with my sisters. After the race, we got pretty tired for the rest of the day. Preschool Nugget has had a fever the last few days and we did not end up traveling to Mr. Katie’s cousin’s house to celebrate Thanksgiving. We still had a nice Thanksgiving at home. Preschool Nugget’s illness started the day before Thanksgiving so we had time to run to the store and stock up on items in case we would have to spend Thanksgiving at home.
You might be interested in to know that I finally got my wish on Thanksgiving and I tried the Patti Labelle Sweet Potato pie that I wrote about a few weeks ago. I also sampled some Charles Shaw, aka Two Buck Chuck, for the first time (thanks out-of-state Trader’s Joe’s).
Here are some pictures from the Turkey Trot.

After this run, I bought some sweet treats at Wegmans before we headed home to coffee and relaxing!
Coming Soon: Find out what how I decided to spend my extra pumpkin spice savings!
Good job, Katie and Liz!
You go Katie and Liz! Glad you had such a great time doing the turkey trot together.
Thank you Katie! We did have fun. I hope you and yours had a good Thanksgiving too.