Hi Guys,
It’s getting to be that time of year.
It’s the holiday season. . .
There’s a chill in the air and a gleam in our hearts. It is a time of good and company and getting together.
It’s that magical time of year.
If you are an Everyday Adventures With Katie scholar, you might remember a few years ago when I wrote about how I have anxiety about holiday parties in years when Star Wars movies come out because I hate Star Wars.
If aren’t committing my every blog entry to memory, don’t worry. Here is the link. I wrote this in December 2017. Ancient times!
Well, a few things have happened since then.
First of all, I don’t hate Star Wars so much anymore. In fact, Mr. Katie and Disney+ have taught me to appreciate it a little. I can now proudly say I have watched multiple Star Wars universe Disney shows and even enjoyed most of them. (A big shoutout to Baby Yoda and Pedro Pascal for warming my heart to the world of Star Wars).
Also many things for me and mine over the past five years since I last visited how to handle holiday parties, including the fact that we as a people experienced a worldwide pandemic.
I think that I look at holiday parties a little bit differently now.
I am definitely more grateful for holiday gatherings these days since we didn’t go to many holiday gathering over the last few years.
That being said, I still have a certain amount of anxiety about conversations at said get-togethers. Perhaps, because I am primarily a stay-at-home mom, but I have a bit of part-time work, people always want to talk to me about my work schedule or the number of hours a week my two small part-time jobs amount to.
I do enjoy my work as a librarian, a great deal actually, but my work does not encompass the bulk of my time or energy. For me, raising the boys and taking care of family-related matters takes most of my time. I also write for my blog every week. I have a running routine. I am currently in week 6 of the 12-week creative-harnessing program called The Artist’s Way. I wrote about The Artist’s Way in this post. It’s an important part of my life right now.
So yes, I would be happy to talk about any of these topics or several others. Recently, I have gotten back into watching movies again. I would love some recommendations. Mr. Katie and I used to watch at least one movie a week or several TV shows together on weekends, but we stopped doing it a while ago when life got busy. Recently, we have decided to make an effort to start taking in a movie, on DVD or streaming, on weekends so we can feel in touch with the zeitgeist again. I wanna touch the pulse of humanity!
And I love the Outlander series of books right now! And NBC comedies of years past! And Cheese!
Life is for the living! So much passion.
I can’t be the only one who doesn’t want to talk about work.
Am I right?
I am sure that you have plenty of subjects that interest you too! Do you like football, World Cup soccer, and tennis? The Australian Open is just around the corner.
But the problem is that we, as a people, don’t know what safe subjects we can talk about with each other. We aren’t that good at talking about things that don’t interest us or we don’t know anything about.
For example, I don’t really know anything about soccer, tennis, or football. I could use up all the information I know in just one question. All I know about tennis is that the Australian Open is in January. Also that Love is bad, I think.
But that’s where my idea comes in. I think we should all wear stickers that tell people subjects that we like to talk about.
I like: Michael Buble Christmas music, Outlander, and Cheese. Maybe you might like some of the same things as me.
At another party, I might list that I like: Baking, Biking, and watching Terrible Reality TV like Love is Blind.
So yes, I might actually have this sticker that says Hello There, I Like Talking About made and bring it to parties or maybe I will just do what my husband suggested when I told him I won’t talk with people anymore about my work schedule, learn the art of the pivot.
Why yes, I have been working some this year, but when I am not working, I like watching Love is Blind Season 3, what do you do in your free time?
What would you put on your interests sticker?
I love the sticker idea! It would solve so many problems- unless you’re incredibly near-sighted, and then people would accuse you of staring at their chests. I’m afraid I’m suffering from a lack of “ interested or interesting” right now. I retired from my forever job lady year, and I just haven’t found my niche yet. I’m starting to believe that I could comfortably live as a hermit for the rest of my life..
Oh Aunt Heidi, you are plenty interesting! I am sure you could come up with a few things you really get excited about. Mystery novels? Cooking shows? The virtues of Hermiting? Brendan really loves Hermiting too. Lots of people like it.