Photo by Caio Mantovani on Pexels.com
The Oxford Languages, producers of the Oxford English Dictionary, named Goblin Mode the word of the year for 2022.
Goblin Mode is a word used to describe the state of acting like a globin. It is described as a “type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.”
It might be shoveling food into your mouth while standing at the kitchen counter without regard for those around you. It might be laying on the couch all day binge watching television. It might be wearing stained clothes that you have been wearing all week outside of your house without regard for social norms. Essentially, it is the opposite of carefully curated behavior.
I like this word. I only first heard of it when I heard on some news website that Goblin Mode had been selected. It is letting it all hang loose without worrying about what other people will think of you.
Ever since I heard that Goblin Mode was selected as the word of the year earlier this month, it has made me happy to think about, I don’t know why.
Actually, also it makes me want to engage in that type of behavior even more because it feels like the zeitgeist, like the spirit of the times. I feel like I ought to be making a few plate fulls of butter and jelly sandwiches on saltine crackers and eating them standing up (which I did the day I heard about Goblin Mode).
Another recent Goblin Mode states happened yesterday when both of my children were both off of school because of brief periods of ice. I decided to make slice and bake cookies for breakfast for all of us. It was heavenly. It was a plan I thought up at 7:15 in the morning. I considered spiking my coffee but thought that one step too far.
For me, I think some of this interest in goblin mode behavior is a reaction to my Noom days of 2020 and early 2021. I did find it fun then to plan veggie rich meals. I still do sometimes. Also I do love feeling my best but I also love eating warm, gooey, delicious cookies at 7:45 am in the morning on a snow day.
With the arrival of the cold weather, I feel the impulse there to let loose a little.
I am sure 2023 will hail the arrival of societal behavioral patterns but right now I do feel on the same page as the rest of society.
How are you feeling right now, nearing the end of 2022?
I am not happy right now as it has been the least of my favorite holiday, which I usually love! There were no small visitors and we all felt a bit lonely this year. Susan and Jack did stop by for a short visit but it was still to quiet! I guess I better get used to it. BOO-HOO.