Rejoice, Christmas came early to our house!
Guess who is wearing pants now? You get one guess.
That’s right, it is Preschool Nugget who now wears pants without any parental prompting.
It happened both very quickly and very slowly.
Outside of a few times with very suggestive parental prompting, Preschool Nugget has not worn pants since July of 2021. He had only been wearing the same 10 pairs of khaki shorts for more than a year. You can read about the pants (and shirt sleeve struggles here). In the past when he did have to wear pants, he would roll them up to the knee as though they were shorts. He would also only wear khaki colored pants that were similar to his shorts.
Then last Thursday, when he had some extra time because of a snow day, he decided to investigate the clothes in his dresser. I kind of primed the pump in that on Wednesday night I took all of the shorts out of his dresser and put in their place all of the pants we had been holding back because he refused to wear them.
He found pants, put them on and the rest is history. As the day progressed, he went back to his dresser and found other pants and tried those on as well. He didn’t even just stick to khaki as he has been doing when he was only wearing shorts.
Strangely, he didn’t seem upset that his usual shorts were not there. When I removed the shorts from the dresser, I expected him to become upset when his usual look was not available.

He also decided to wear pants (rolled down) on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday too. Now he is selecting pants without any assistance or any guidance every day and he is open to any number of colors and styles, unlike before.
This is quite a change from last winter when he would scream and cry if we put pants on him. He will also wear a winter coat this year. It is rolled up to the elbows, but I will take that!
I feel very happy when I see him wearing pants! It still makes me feel giddy to see him in pants!
This is a joy I might not be experiencing if he hadn’t gone all of last winter without wearing them. Sometimes I see other parents with their children wearing all of their winter clothing and I think that they probably do not appreciate how much of a challenge it has been to get Preschool Nugget to do that. I heard some other mothers talking yesterday at Preschool Nugget’s school about how their children sometimes wear short sleeves in the winter and how that is not acceptable. They worry that other people are judging their parenting. To me, that seems like the least of my concerns. Preschool Nugget still mostly does not wear long sleeves. He has a flannel shirt that he likes to wear over his short sleeve shirt sometimes and he will wear his Minecraft sweatshirt, but that’s about it. II guess there are always things parents could worry about. As long as he is wearing a winter coat, I am not going to worry too much about his short sleeves.
I am just so ticked pink that he is wearing pants!

Wow Katie! That’s great that he likes to wear pants now. What a guy!
It’s amazing!
Hallelujah for Pants!!! It’s a Christmas miracle – or at least a clothing miracle
It is!
I wonder who he takes after??? Love him sooo much, love your adventures Proud Pap !
Ahhhh, thank you Dad!
I’m so glad that Henry is now wearing pants!