Remember this post from late October? I am here today to update you on exactly how my pumpkin spice journey continued since the end of pumpkin season.
When we last left off, I had decided not purchase Starbucks brand Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) Creamer, during prime PSL seaons, because I have unhappy with its newly inflated price. I also found myself enjoying Aldi’s Pumpkin Spice creamer with no reservations. It tasted great and when I calculated my PSL savings over the PSL season, I estimated that I would save around $9.42 in total by purchasing Aldi’s version.

I am here today to tell you what I decided to do with my Pumpkin Spice Savings. In my original post, I brainstormed ideas of what to do with my pumpkin spice savings. In retrospect, brainstorming my options must have whet my appetite for shopping, because I definitely ended up purchasing everything that I suggested to myself. I spent much more than just $9.42 of my PSL savings. If this were a game on The Price Is Right, I definity wouldn’t be moving on to the next round.
For fun though, let’s go through my original suggestions and see what I bought.
First, I not only bought myself a trial sized bottle of Native Brand seasonally scented deodorant, but I bought myself a regular sized bottle as well.

Again, looking at the original post, I suggested to myself that I get a Gobbler Hoagie in Classic Size from Wawa. Just a few days after I wrote the post, I picked up dinner from Wawa for me and my family and Mr. Katie and I each polished off a Gobbler. It was good, though I thought mine was a little heavy on the cranberry sauce. Next year, I might opt to order a Gobbler without the cranberry sauce and stuffing and instead include the mashed potatoes with the gravy and turkey.
When considering the original list of things I could buy with my Pumpkin Spice savings, I also completely indulged in my 3rd suggestion for myself. I purchased and consumed at least two boxes of Alpine Spiced Apple Cider packets with addition of Wild Turkey in some of the versions that prepared for myself. They were a nice treat on fall evenings. Sometimes I prepared the apple cider drinks for my sons. In those instances, I did not include the Wild Turkey shot of Wild Turkeys.
If you were wondering if I purchased those nice I also holiday bath gift sets with my PSL savings, yes, yes I did. I think I even went straight out to Target the night I published this post and purchased 3 different sets. I bought them because Target had just put out its seasonal gift merchandise and I wanted to grab them before “they were gone” (which is a total fallacy and I knew it because I don’t think Target would ever run out of gifts). I couldn’t help myself, but in my defense, I am easily suggestable.
I was tempted to keep them for myself, and I almost did. You might be glad to know that I ended up giving them all to other people for Christmas. Maybe he universe rewarded me. Maybe I just got lucky. I fished my wish in that I ended up receiving a few different holiday toiletry gift-sets for Christmas. They were a splendid surprise.
Last but not least, on my list of what to purchase with my PSL savings was a Patti LaBelle Sweet Potato Pie and bottle of Reddi Wip. My family ended up staying at our own house on Thanksgiving Day because Preschool Nugget wasn’t feeling well. Luckily, the fever started the day before Thanksgiving so I had time to buy food in anticipation on staying home on Thanksgiving. This gave me the opportunity to try the Patti LaBelle Sweet Potato Pie from Walmart with Reddi Wip. It was better than I could have imagined. It was sticky and sweet and rich. I would most certainly buy it again in future years. I give it 5 Stars!
In retrospect, I ended up spending more than just my $9.42 on season products within just a few hours of the writing my PSL post. I am okay with that.
I also wanted to share with you some of the other Pumpkin Spice products that I purchased this year:
Here is one of my favorite new finds of the Pumpkin Spice season. Somehow these biscotti cookies ended up at the receptionist’s desk at my workplace. I didn’t expect much when I first saw them, but they are amazing with a warm beverage. I bought them for my own house when I saw them for sale at Wegmans.

Towards the end of the Pumpkin Spice season I saw some Pumpkin Spice products on clearance and took advantage of the sale price.

Also, in early January guess what I ended up buying at Target?

However, I feel okay about this purchase because I ended up paying less than $3.00 for my Starbucks PSL creamer which is very in-line with what I paid earlier in the season for Aldi brand PSL creamer.
Great post Katie!
Thank you Katie
Great post, Katie! I definitely overspent on seasonal items that were on “clearance.”
Jenny, It is so easy to do that. I love seasonal savings but sometimes I don’t like the products that I buy.