The boys have been off for summer vacation for over 2 weeks now. In all honesty, we haven’t been terribly exciting. Mr. Katie and I have been working with Preschool Nugget to solidify, no pun intended, his toileting skills so that he is ready for kindergarten.
In fact last Friday, I threw him a potty party, which is something that I read about online, to try to rapidly move along the process. The party wasn’t the silver bullet to my intended goal of complete potty mastery, but it did help move along the process.
Here is a picture from the celebratory, pre-potty party, breakfast from last Friday.

So we are still working on it. I know it will happen, I just need to be patient.
It’s is June and today is the longest day of the year, with daylight stretching from early morning till late evening. My family has not slipped into that summer vacation sleeping-in thing yet so we are still consistently getting up around 6:10 am in the morning. Luckily, the boys are pretty tired out before the sun goes down. I very recently purchased some new sun blocking curtains to go with the sun blocking shades that we have had for years and has seemed to help the boys sleep slightly later. I am not sure what took me so long to shop for the curtains. We have only had this problem every year since they were born at this time of year.
I am also trying very hard to go to bed a little bit earlier. It’s hard though to break old habits. I am used to staying up until 10:30 pm. When I was a teen and young person, I thought it was “baby-ish” to go to bed earlier than this time. I need to embrace that idea that it is very adult to go to bed during the 9:00 hour.
My book reading is helping me to get to sleep though and they are giving me something to read first thing in the morning, when the boys have woken me up and I am sitting in my living room at 6:15 am in the morning. I that is to say that I am very into reading this summer.
I made this chart for my family to track our summer reading.

As you can see, I am still in June, just-finished-the-school-year-and-feeling-organized-about-summer-mode. I have not slipped into later-in-the-summer-and-sleeping-late-let’s-not-do-too-much-today-mode.
Up until this week, I was right on track with keeping track of the reading we have been doing together and independently. So maybe the fact that I haven’t marked our reading for any day this week on the calendar is an indication that I am getting into my summer sloth mode.
In any case, I am enjoying my books this summer. I am reading books from the Magic Treehouse series aloud to Mr. Man and Preschool Nugget as well as Sideways Stories from Wayside School. Preschool Nugget also enjoys nursery rhymes.
As for myself I am reading Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin.
I did end up going to that book club meeting that I wrote about last week. I liked the meeting and think that I will go back next month when we will be reading William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The book club members were very relaxed and reminded the group that we could read other versions of The Tempest if we wanted and weren’t locked into reading any hard translations. I am going to see if I can get my hands on a graphic novel version of the play. I remember reading The Tempest when I was in college but I also remember that I had to read it three times before I understood what was happening.
We have also been visiting our local pool when the weather cooperates. It hasn’t been the warmest summer though so far.
So that’s all I have been up to so far this summer.
What have you been up to this summer.