I have been 44 for one whole entire day now and I think it is going pretty good so far. I like 44 because 4 is my favorite number and I get to have 4 twice in my age. Winning!
Plus, it is nice to celebrate a new age and I did just that.
I talked to three members of my family on the phone. I also got some birthday texts that were also special to me.
I got to spend my special day with the little boys and my whole household came together for dinner and cake. Here is a picture of me singing my heart out before blowing out my birthday candles.

My husband told me that I should write a sequel to the post that I wrote about leaving 43 behind. I told him that I did not want not seem right because other people might not have be as spoiled as I was on my birthday.
He told me that it was okay to write the post because he was on the market before I met him. He said that he was out there looking. He wasn’t hiding so it was okay if I wanted to brag. I liked how he explained it to me.
But also I like to know how other people live their lives. Sometimes when I am at the pool I like to ask the other moms what they are having for dinner. On Monday, I learned that the family we were spending time with was having chicken nuggets for dinner. The mom told me that they had to have those nuggets for dinner because she bought the box at a grocery store at the outdoor mall near us. The box was small and but overpriced so she felt like it was important that the eat them and not fill up on snacks at the snack bar.
It’s informative to see how other people conduct their lives.
Here is a peek into my life: here are the presents I received on my birthday.
I got a new Garmin Forerunner 45 Running watch. Previous to this I had a Forerunner 35, but a few weeks ago it just stopped turning on so this watch will be very useful in my life. I picked out the band color which is red. Mr. Katie surprised me with it though. After I opened my watch last night, I downloaded a fun watch face.

Mr. Katie also got me a new water bottle.

Mr. Katie also got me a chocolate bar.

I also received birthday cards from family, which tickled me greatly. I also got some birthday money. Patrick drew me a nice picture of him and I lying on the grass just like we did the Sunday morning.
Here is a picture of my birthday cake. It was supposed to day “Katie 44” on it but the effect of gold colored sugar on lilliac icing wasn’t as dramatic as I had hoped. Still it tasted very good.

44 looks great on you. Enjoy your presents, your family , and your adventures! Love you 44!
Thank you Aunt Heidi!
I have that same watch face downloaded on my Garmin!
Kevin, that is awesome! I like that we have the same watch face. It is a fun one. Patrick gets a kick out of it.
I’ll do a pair of blogs where I say goodbye to the old month and hello to the new month.
So, See You Later July and Hello August!
Hi James, I like that about your blog. I have been reading about your adventures. It is great that you are experiencing a time of growth.
Happy belated birthday Katie!! It sounds like you had a great time celebrating. I love the watch face you chose. I use that meme quite a bit. And I love the color of your new water bottle. What a pretty shade of purple. Your cake sounded delicious as well.