Here’s something new. This little November baby is now eight years old. How time flies! Lucky guy, he got to have an extra hour of birthday this year as his special day was on the day Daylight Savings time ended for 2023.

He had such a great day! It’s funny because he is such a happy guy now because up until he was almost exactly four months old (the 4th trimester) he was so emotional. I say emotional but what I really mean is that he cried non-stop from about 6:30 in the evening until he eventually fell asleep which sometimes wasn’t until 11:00 pm at night. We used to call him Patricio in jest because Patricio seemed like a spicier version of Patrick.
Also It’s interesting he looks so peaceful in his Christmas picture because I remember him screaming his head off (and it was only noon) until we put him down for the picture. The second we set him down on the towel he immediately feel asleep and we got this great shot.
Love that guy!
In summation we celebrated Mr. Man this weekend and he is a fun, creative, excited eight year old.
In other Katie news, we am still working on my house decluttering project. We are making progress and are happy with the results.

In fact lately, I have been practicing my guitar in our office. Our office used to be a place where we mostly just stored things and now it is a nice space that we all like to spend time in. Kindergarten Nugget likes to play with his trucks on the carpet. Man Man likes to browse the games in the office now that he can get to them easier. Also, I used some of my birthday money to buy a music stand for use during my guitar practice.
I also used the rest of my birthday money to buy a medals hanger for my running medals. I asked Mr. Katie to help me install it on Sunday. At first I thought that I would just consult him on how to do it, but ultimately, I just got him to put it up for me. Someday I will learn how to use tools. I know how to put a nail in a wall, but after that I am pretty clueless, lol.

I like it so much my new medal hanger so much. I had been keeping my medals in my underwear drawer. I like the bands that the medals hang on and it makes me happy to see my medals hanging instead of living in my dresser.
I can use the top folio for racing bibs, but since I did not keep any of those from past races, I put a picture in it right now. I might just keep it that way. While I have been cleaning and going through my things, I have found many pictures that I have forgotten about. I might have a rotating display of pictures hanging from the bib hangers.
Part of the decluttering process is to enjoy the things that you own instead of keeping them in boxes or saving them for special occasions. I am going to try to rotate pictures in and out of frames so I can enjoy looking at them. I also want to hang art work that is currently not hanging so we can experience it. Mr. Katie and I were given a very nice wine glass set by a former work supervisor right before we got married. We have maybe used it twice. I am excited by the thought of putting them our cupboard soon and enjoying them in the coming weeks and all the time. Maybe I will drink more wine now that we are using our fancy glasses.
In the same vein, I am trying to branch out and wear more of my clothing. I am definetley guilty of getting stuck in a clothes rut and wearing the same outfits over and over. The thing is, I feel like I have lots of things I like but don’t wear for whatever reason.
To encourage myself to branch out, I have been trying to hang more of my clothing on hangers and display it so that I can easily see it. I have also been trying to take pictures of my outfits so I can enjoy them a little bit more. I am trying to notice how I feel when I am wearing them. There are some pictures that I snapped this weekend.

I thought I might remember to do this after this weekend but honestly, sometimes it is hard to remember to do things on week days. You can only do what you can do. I will try to take notice of what I am wearing and how it is working for me.
Additionally, I remembered to vote on Tuesday, but I didn’t do any of the things in my post. Oh, well I can do cooking and Starbucks drinking in the cool weather to come.
So that’s about all for me right now. Have a nice week.
Happy Birthday, Patrick!
Thank you Jenny! I hope you and Jonathan are doing well.
I’ve been decluttering too. It’s amazing how I hold onto things that I think are so precious – set them away in a box or tub/ and years later, I look at them and think – why??? Happy Birthday to the 8 year old- can’t believe it.
Thank you Aunt Heidi. I found the ashes of our two dogs which we forgot to scatter or bury. So we are going to do that next weekend.
I like your idea about putting a picture at the top on your medal hanger. And great idea to hang them up instead of keeping them in a drawer. It’s nice that you can so easily see what you accomplished.
Happy birthday Patrick!! I hope you had a great (25 hour) day!
Thank you Katie for everything. I hope you all had a good week.