This Thanksgiving I am grateful for this little turkey. . .

Here he is enjoying his kindergarten Friendship Feast which consists of the all the little kindergarten turkeys wearing paper hats and eating Pirate Booty popcorn, apple sauce pouches, and Oreo cookies on the special placemats that they made. I am grateful for all the wonderful teachers and school staff members who he interacts with every day.

I am also grateful that last Friday, he wrote his name for the first time. It was on the wall. . . but still I was proud.

I am also grateful for this little turkey.

I am grateful for this family and their great heads of hair.

I am grateful for adventurous scamps.

I am grateful for our health and the willingness of members of our family to do slightly off the beaten path things. For example, last weekend this crew took a trip to Hickory Run State park to visit the nature center and hike the Hawk Falls Trail, which were activities that we didn’t get to do on our trip there last summer. This was an adventure of sorts because it was kind of cool day in the mountains and we saw fewer people than we did in the summer. The real adventure that was that Mr. Katie and I reminisced about the time that we took these same scamps (but younger and smaller) on an slightly rainy and icy hike there on January 1st, 2021. We also had to wear masks because it was early 2021. Those scamps were slipping and sliding. In retrospect, it was kind of crazy that we went there that day.
Here we are on the Hawk Falls Trail on November 19, 2023

Here we are on the Hawk Falls Trail on January 1, 2021

I am thankful for you guys!