The Full Human Experience

If you look closely on the one of the trees you will see a red tailed hawk that I encountered on a walk yesterday. We I saw it land on the branch I turned and walked away. Then I turned around and took this picture. It is brown and a little right of the phone pole in the picture. It is pretty large for a bird.

I swore to myself that I was going to write a blog post tonight because often on Monday nights that is what I do. If I were to be honest however, I would say, that I have found it challenging to blog since my father passed away. Perhaps sometimes when I was writing my posts in the past, I pictured him as my prime reading audience. It can be hard for me now to think about what to write.

I have also been busy because there has not been a lot of school for my little cherubs during this month of January. We have had a few cancelations, delays and early dismissals. Also Mr. Man also had one sick day. We also had a four day weekend to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.

I had been feeling a little stretched because January is not typically my favorite month of the year.

Ultimately, I am doing good. Honestly though, routine helps. I have been making it a point to get outside every day. I have been enjoying some good books (right now Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett is currently tickling my funny bone). I am looking forward to starting my half marathon training next week. In the meantime, I have been taking walks and shorter runs. Mr. Katie and I started watching the fifth season of Fargo on Hulu, and while Fargo is not something I would typically go for (it is kind of scary) I am enjoying it in a way. I have also been preparing for my in-person Quizzo hosting duties this coming Thursday night. I believe that I have a fun quiz night prepared for the participants.

In short, I am trying to enjoy the full spectrum of human experiences and emotions. Winter can be a time to regroup and relax.

Here is a picture of the boys playing during last Friday’s snowday.

4 Replies to “The Full Human Experience”

  1. I’m always excited when I see you have a new blog posted. Makes me crawl out of my comfort zone and think a bit. January is not one of my favorite months either, I find myself counting the days left almost every morning- to be truthful-February isn’t high on my list either, but it’s short – do I get excited because spring is coming!

    1. Hi Aunt Heidi, Thank you for always being so supportive. I hope you and your whole family are doing well. Love you all, Katie

  2. I always enjoy reading your posts. It’s fun to hear about your family’s adventures and what you’re all up to. Also, January is the crappiest month of the year.

    1. Hi Katie, Thank you for always reading and commenting. It is awesome that January is almost over! Then on to February.

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