Happy Leap Day! To quote the NBC Show 30 Rock, “Every four years you get a magical extra day to do things you wouldn’t normally do, to take chances.”

Also according to the episode the official colors of Leap Day are blue and yellow and the official mascot is Leap Day William who rises up from the Marianas Trench to trade children’s tears for candy.
Also Leap Day William is a part Santa Clause type person and part sea monster.
So as you can see it the 30 Rock mythology gets kind of weird.
I like the part of the 30 Rock mythology about dressing in blue and yellow part and the part about having a magical extra day to take chances and do things you wouldn’t normally do.
In 2008, exactly four years before the 2012 Leap Day William episode aired, I asked my husband out on a date. We had already met and we had been emailing by then but we hadn’t seen eachother since the day that we met.
I remembered something my older sister Jenny told me when we were in elementary school about an Irish tradition where woman are allowed to propose to men on Leap Day. Apparently, this is known as Bachelor’s Privilege and once had legal basis in Scotland and England. On February 29th, 2008, I felt empowered by the mythology of the day and two children together later, the rest is history.
So what are you going to do today to take chances?
I am going to celebrate leap day by wearing blue and yellow. I also downloaded the Taylor Swift album 1989 from my library’s Hoopla service because I have been wanting to do a deep dive into her music so I can understand her as an artist.

I also plan on visiting the Lehigh Valley Zoo this morning with Kindergarten Nugget since our membership ends on the last day of February and any other year today would be March.
I would also like to celebrate the conclusion of meteorological winter in a ceremonial way. We will also have hot chocolate today since today is also the last day of meteorological winter. Meteorological winter is the months of December, January, and February. This was a challenging winter for me so I would like to ceremonially say goodbye to it.
Tomorrow, theoretically I could visit Rita’s for a water ice since Rita’s locations open by March 1st. I could say hello spring at Rita’s tomorrow if I wanted to. Mr. Man wants to. He found this coupon in the free weekly newspaper and keeps reminding me.

What are you going to do today to enjoy a day that you would not have any other year? What are you going to do to take chances today?
Sounds like a great way to celebrate leap day!
Thank you Katie