Sometimes people say to me “Hey, your online trivia stuff is really fun, I heard you do it in-person, is it the same quiz, is it the same things just in person?” Today I hope to tell you about that.
I do have a monthly in-person event. It is really fun. I hold my monthly trivia nights on the 4th Thursday of the month at the Indian Valley Public Library during the months of September-May. We take a hiatus over the summer since it gets very busy at the library over the summer with our summer reading programs and people coming in to pick up beach reads and books for their school reading lists.
I actually started the in-person events well before I started offering an online experience at the Indian Valley Public Library. My in-person events are longer and more geared as a time when people to get together and socialize. I have modeled them on the Quizzo trivia nights at bars that I used to attend with my husband before we had children. At the in-person events everyone plays on a team and they come up fun team name. One of my regular teams calls themselves “Not Everyone Can be Irish Someone Has to drive.” Some of my teams even come with their custom signs or props. For example, one member on the team called “All Aboard” brings a train whistle which she blows when I call out their score. We call those nights Quizzo Nights. Players can come in with their own team or join up with other people who are looking to play with others.
Quizzo is specific trivia night playing style. I wrote all about my experiences with Quizzo and pub style trivia in this post. I believe Quizzo is originally a Philadelphia area trivia night game style.
The way I structure my Quizzo nights is by beginning with a picture round where teams identify among themselves the answers to 10 picture clues. I then follow this with 3 rounds of general trivia questions which I read aloud. Mostly, my Quizzo nights consist of four rounds of play with 10 questions each. If I am feeling extremely ambitious, I finish with one final round where teams have to identify 10 audio clips. I tally the score and announce the winners in the end.
I began offering the Kahoot that I send out monthly during the pandemic as an alternative because we could not meet in person.
To answer the original question, the Kahoot trivia challenge that I send out differs somewhat from the in-person Quizzo game. In the simplest way, The Kahoot that I send out is sort of a shortened version of what I offer in-person. Plus, during my in-person Quizzo night I ask only open ended questions. I offer almost zero multiple choice questions. Also, I can ask different types of questions in-person because I am no beholden to the Kahoot software. Also offering open ended questions allows me to offer more easy and medium level questions because people have to come up with the answers themselves. Sometimes I feel silly if I ask an easy question on the Kahoot because I am providing four possible answers.
This past summer on vacation at the Wallops Island NASA visitor center I played a live Kahoot designed by the NASA education team and it was very fun. I liked how they used the Kahoot software in their education program. However, I really enjoy the Quizzo style of play so I don’t see a time in the future where I will start doing hybrid in-person Kahoot as a substitute for my in-person trivia night
I wanted to share with you the in-person winners from my trivia night in February.

I also wanted to share with you that we will be having an in-person trivia night on Thursday, March 28th at 7 pm. If you would like to register go to and click on the calendar to sign up. As always, Quizzo nights happen on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7 pm. You can BYOB and snacks.
I wish we lived closer – I would definitely have a team !
I would love that Aunt Heidi