Wow, May flew by. I thought that I would share with you a few pictures that might give you some insight into what I have been up this month.
Not only did we visit the Franklin Institute earlier this month with the Cub Scouts. We had a host of other adventures.
Early in the month, I cleaned our raised bed garden and planted tomato plants, cucumbers, peas, lettuce, and zucchini (I think). I love having a garden even though I am but a baby gardener and there is a lot that I don’t know.

On Mother’s Day my guys made me feel very special. There were cards, chocolate, pancakes, and fanny packs. Yes, more than one fanny pack was involved in my Mother’s Day (fashion has decided that fanny packs are back).
Also on Mother’s Day, we took in minor league baseball game where we saw the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs take on the New York Mets. One of my new fanny packs was the free giveaway from women who attended the game on Mother’s Day. It was wet and cool that day but we had a good time.

I also received this beautiful flower frog for Mother’s Day from my nieces Madeline and Charlotte. I decided to fill the vase with bloom that I cut from a bush outside of our house.

A few days after Mother’s Day, Mr. Katie and I celebrated our 13th anniversary! I took a picture of the flowers that Mr. Katie gave me for Mother’s Day but honestly the picture wasn’t very good. The flowers were lovely though.

One of my other pursuits this spring is that I have been trying to make sure that I take advantage of the morning time that I have with Kindergarten Nugget before he becomes a full day 1st grader next year.

This past weekend we worked as a family on cleaning out my parent’s house. On our drive to their house, I decided to pack a picnic dinner instead of stopping at our normal fast food dinner spot (Arby’s). We had a nice time playing at a park and picnicking along the way, but it was still hard for some members of the family to change how we do things. I used a bribery technique in order to smooth over this change to the normal traveling dinner routine. The full cans of soda in the below picture are bribes. But look at how happy they are! On Friday and Saturday nights usually the boys are allowed to share one can of soda at dinner, on this trip they each got to have their own can. How exciting!
But do not despair, we ended up eating at Arby’s on our trip home a few days later.

While looking through my parents things, I have found some interesting finds like these letters that I wrote to the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny 30+ years ago.

We also had some nice family visits while we were at my parent’s house last weekend. It was great to spend time with all of them. We all really enjoyed it!
Finally, a picture of dusk from my parent’s porch!

Now, on to June!
What a full month you had! I am glad that you had a chance to see your family -sisters and others.