What have those crazy Nicholsons been up to? See some of the pictures from the first half of this month.
This is the first Father’s Day without my Father. In the past few years I have struggled to figure out what to get the person who has everything. One thing I know that he always enjoyed though was seeing pictures of all of us on my blog. He often told me how much he appreciated my blog. So I am sending out this Father’s Day present to you all instead (late of course, which is exactly what I would have done for him too).
Here is a picture of Kindergarten Nugget from the last day of May, but it was such a great picture that I couldn’t leave it out of this post. His class had a kindergarten carnival and he got to have his face painted like Luigi from the Mario Brothers.

Kindergarten Nugget’s last day of kindergarten. I guess he needs a new nickname.

Here is Kindergarten Nugget with his kindergarten teacher.
The boys had this water fight outside on one of the first days of summer vacation.

We had a fun creek play afternoon with some friends earlier in June. Here is Kindergarten Nugget digging.

Mr. Man lost one of his front teeth earlier this month.

We went camping this month too.

Our truck makes transporting our camping supplies a breeze.

We brought our fishing rods and did some fishing.

Mr. Man found a red eft (Eastern Newt) when we were camping in the Poconos)

Mr. Man joined the swim team at our local pool this year. He had his first swim meet last week. Here are two pictures. He is working very hard.

That’s all for now!