Highlights From Summer Vacation: Camping In Our Yard

Summer really got away from me. We had some fun adventures but the summer just got too busy for me to write and share them with you. What I hope to do over the next few weeks is to share with you some of the highlights.

Somewhere before my birthday, around mid-July, we popped up the camper in the yard and slept in it for 4 nights in a row. Lucky for me, our neighbor have us a thick foam bed topper that was the perfect fit for the side of the camper that I sleep on.

It sure made sleeping in the camper for 4 nights in a row a comfortable situation.

The boys have mentioned to me that all those nights that we slept as a family in the camper this summer was one of their highlights of the summer.

Here are some pictures from one of the mornings when I woke up in the camper not long after sunrise, because sometimes sleeping in your driveway means that you wake with the sounds of other people going to work.