Crisis Alert: Ahhhh! My Youngest Is Starting First Grade

This isn’t me. This is my spirit animal, Garrett from the NBC show Community. Sometimes when I am feeling out of sorts I remind myself of Garrett.

The impending school year is breaking my brain a little. Why might that be you might wonder?

Well, It’s not all the forms and apps that parents in our district are asked to fill out (though filling them out isn’t helping). Also it’s not all the clearances that need to be obtained and turned in so that I can spy, I mean volunteer, during the school day and at some my children’s extracurricular activities. Though, it is true that these things are also not helping.

No, my stress level is high from all of these requirements, but these are not the reasons why my brain is broken.

My brain is broken is because my youngest, H. Nugget, is starting first grade. In our school district, this is the first year that he will be in school fulltime, as kindergarten is still half-day in my corner of the world.

Here is H. Nugget with a person in a Daniel Tiger costume this past summer. I love that he still loves Daniel Tiger so much.

What have we been doing this week.

Well, this past week we have been trying to do-up summer vacation as much as possible before school starts this coming Monday.

A few days ago, the boys and I went to the Philadelphia Zoo because we are members and we haven’t been there since Easter break.

(Side note, since we go usually in the off-season, it was so much fun to be there when most of the things are open. If you only go in the cold weather months, you are missing out on a lot of nice zoo stuff).

I decided that would not just like to show you my zoo photos. Instead I would like to tell you how these photos reflect my life right now.

In this first picture, they boys are fighting like they do in the pouch. (I am the kangaroo, they are the joeys, the pouch is our home). What you cannot see if that the kangaroo is having a existential crisis.

I can tell that the boys are ready to go back to school because they have been fighting a lot lately. They are ready to get back there and see their classmates.

Here is another picture from our zoo trip. When we are at the zoo, H. Nugget needs to ride on the train. Then Mr. Man pretends that he is only riding the train because H. Nugget wants to ride. In reality, at 8.5 years old, Mr. Man still really enjoys it. You can see it on his face.

In the second picture, they are riding away from me on their metamorphical train, which is represented by the real children’s train at the zoo. You see, as they age and are moving on to the next grade in school, they are moving further away from me.

The this next picture isn’t metamorphically anything. It is a moment when they are acting like sweet little joeys and are still in the pouch.

In this photo the joeys aren’t running out of the pouch yet. They are smiling and are staying put in the pouch. This one is for me.

I sound jokey in this post, but I am experiencing these things in real time.

From the time before they came into the world, I had planned to stay home (minus a little part-time librarian-ing) with these kids.

Now I am struggling because they will both be in school full time starting on Monday. What’s my next step? I am not sure yet but I know that I will figure it out.

I know that I am being a little dramatic. In reality, there are so many parts of this journey that I am grateful for. I am happy that I feel that H. Nugget is ready to be in school all day. It was a long journey getting here. I feel so #blessed. Still, there will be an adjustment period for me.

Does back-to-school season affect you?

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He’s going to do great on Monday

6 Replies to “Crisis Alert: Ahhhh! My Youngest Is Starting First Grade”

  1. What a big year, indeed! It will surely be an adjustment. I am excited for all the growing these boys are doing!

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