Successful Blood Donation and So Many Extra Bonuses

Last weekend, we all remembered my parents in our thoughts as it would have been their 50th wedding anniversary if they were still with us on this on earth.

They were a great couple and were very happy together.

Don’t they look amazing in this picture from their wedding day in 1974?

It just so happened that the day before their anniversary, I had a scheduled blood donation with Miller-Keystone Blood Center.

I try to give blood when I can but I have not been a regular with my appointments as of late as I was in the past. Also sometimes they don’t want my blood because it is slightly low in iron.

Luckily thought, my iron level was sufficient and I had a successful donation on Friday. Huzzah!

I also was given a medal blessed by the local Diocesan bishop when checking in at my donation because I chose my church to be a benefactor from my donation. Bonus!

I felt like the medal and the successful blood donation where gifts from my parents because my father was always so dedicated to giving platelets at his local blood bank. My donation also made me feel like I was adding good into the world. Bonus!

After my donation, I sat in the canteen and chatted with the volunteer who staffs that area. She was very nice and we talked about our Kindles. Bonus!

Then I saw an advertisement for a contest that I could enter to win Halloween tickets to Dorney Park for giving blood so I entered it. Bonus!

Today, I logged onto my Miller Keystone account and was able to see my: pulse rate, blood pressure, total cholesterol and blood type. I sometimes use the health statistics that Miller-Keystone records from me and gives to me as a bit of a free mini-physical. Bonus!

After looking at my numbers today, I know that I need to eat more oatmeal and manage my stress better. Nothing was terribly high but it is always a good reminder. Bonus!

I am going to stop at the grocery store for more oatmeal later tonight.

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