Iron Pigs Baseball Madness

Today I was looking through the tab on my blog at drafts of posts that I never finished. Sometimes I start writing a post, then I run out of time for that day or I get distracted and I never finish the post. I was going to delete those posts today. Then I realized that I might like to share these cute pictures and fun memories with you. It would be a shame to put them in the trash. So I thought from now on that I might share them with you from time to time.

Here’s one of those posts. I finished it writing it up, so it would make sense to you.

Towards the end of August this year, we has a crazy week where we went to (2) Iron Pigs (the AAA minor league affiliate for the Philadelphia Phillies) games in one week. This week also happened to be the weekend before and week of the beginning of the school year.

The first game we attended was a Saturday night game. We had been talking about getting out to another baseball game during summer vacation, and when we bought our tickets online one week before, we thought that this date could be our last chance for the season. While at the game we all got new Iron Pigs hats. Henry walked thru a crowd to a table where hats were for sale. He immediately put a Philadelphia Phillies hat right on his head without asking any grown up present if this was okay. Mr. Katie looked at him said or thought to himself “I’ve never been prouder of you son”, or something similar to that. To our good luck there was a great end of the season promotion and Nugget, Mr. Man and I each chose a new hat since ours were looking a little worn or missing.

The game play that night was not the most exciting that night and was tied until the 9th inning, when after a lengthy at-bat, the game ended in a walk off double. The crowd went wild. There was a lot of excitement in the air. That Saturday night was a reminder of why it is fun to watch baseball. Baseball can be slow, but the payoff can be thrilling when something amazing happens! After the game we remained in our seats and were treated to a Fireworks show as part our game ticket.

The picture below where the boys are standing with Ferrous, one of the two mascots for the Iron Pigs, could have been from that night.

The picture could have also been taken the following Thursday night when we went to baseball game after going to school for the first four days of the school year. That week we had cross country practice two of the nights an celebrated Mr. Katie’s birthday on the other school night when we didn’t have practice. I also started my community college job that week and worked one evening and one full day.

Then we left to go camping the next day for Labor Day weekend. We we not going to go to that game but we had so much fun the previous weekend and I had been given the tickets. So we went and also had another fun time.

Sometimes its fun to be a little crazy.

3 Replies to “Iron Pigs Baseball Madness”

  1. Love you blog and enjoy seeing your boys grow! So you’re no longer at the library? They are not having trivia, which makes me so sad. I loved your questions. Much more thought provoking than our other “bar” trivia (although the Trolley Barn trivia is quite good, just not very literary.) Miss you.

    1. Hi Carol,
      I am still at the library. We will have Quizzo again on Monday, Oct. 28 at 7pm. Thank you for being a loyal fan. I appreciate the praise 🙂
      We are going to scale back trivia to a once a quarter program because it was getting to be a lot for me to do at once a month. Thank you for always being supportive. I hope to see you at the end of this month at trivia

  2. I’m glad you decided to post this blog post from your drafts. It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun at the baseball games and I love the picture of the boys!

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