After our trip to the Pittsburgh area that you heard about in my December 30th post, we continued our trip north to Erie, Pennsylvania. My sister A and her family live in Erie, PA. We had a great time visiting with her and her crew.
On Friday afternoon we arrived at her house. That evening our families went to the Winter Wonderland walking lights at Asbury Woods Nature Center.
Then on Saturday, we joined her family at the ExpERIEnce Children’s Museum. It is only a few blocks away from the bayfront of Lake Erie. Nearly renovated and expanded, this is one of the nicest children’s museums that I have ever been to. If you are in Erie with a younger child, I highly recommend a visit to the Experience Children’s Museum. It was awesome. We also had a really good time visiting with my sister and her family. They were so generous and fun to visit.
I neglected to take any pictures of our adventures on Friday so please enjoy these pictures of our trip to the museum.

After we departed Erie in the mid-afternoon, we drove back to our house, more than 350 miles away. We we were tired but we had a such a great trip.
Great pictures Katie! I especially love that one of Nugget through the netting.