Once I heard something along the lines of “Be careful what you do on New Year’s Day, it is what you will be doing all year-long.” I could not find a source to verify if that is a real New Year’s Day superstition, so maybe I made that up. It could be true however. If it is true, see what 2018 has in store for me.
Here are some pictures of what I did on New Year’s Day:
I made Mole Chicken Chili from the cookbook: Slow Cooker Revolution. It is spicy and rich and perfect for New Year’s Day 2018 when the high temperature for the day was 18 degrees and the low was 0 degrees.
On New Year’s Day 2018, I learned that not all Jumper Cables are up to the job. My husband asked me to assist him in jump starting his car since his battery had died over the holidays. He hooked everything up correctly but the cables still smoked and melted when we turned the car on. It turns out it is a bad idea to buy the least expensive set of cables in the store. He went back to the auto parts store (which was open till 10pm on New Year’s Day!) and bought another set with a lower number. We had great success this time!
We took down the Christmas/ Holiday card that had been hanging from this clothesline in our dining room. I saved the family picture cards and recycled the rest. I learned from this website on New Year’s Day Superstitions that nothing is to leave the house on New Year’s Day. Whoops!
I baked these pre-made Chocolate Chip Cookies that I bought at the supermarket before Christmas. I ate a few on New Year’s Day and a few more on January 2nd. There were 12 cookies originally. In my defense, I brought them over to share with a neighbor the day after New Year’s so I can’t take all the credit for eating them (but most of it).
I took this picture of the New Year’s Full moon, a supermoon, at around 9:15 pm on 1/1/2018. The Native Americans called the January full moon the Wolf Moon.
I also spent much of New Year’s Day chasing a toddler around the house. It was fun and we had a good time! I am sure I will be doing more of that in 2018. This picture is a bonus picture and was taken a few days before New Year’s day. It shows the doll chair that a certain toddler used to scoop up water to drink from the tree stand. Yum, tree water!
In summation, according to the New Year’s Day Superstition List I consulted, I violated several New Year’s Day no-no’s including:
I did laundry (Do not do laundry at all).
I ran the dishwasher (Do not clean dishes)
I recycled the Christmas Cards (Do not take anything out of the house)
I put mail in the mailbox for the mail man. (See above)
I did assorted jobs around the house (Do a little work but not a lot)
Whoops! I hope this does not jinx me!
What were you up to on New Year’s Day? Did you violate any superstitions?
Reply in the Comment Section.
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***This blog post contains one affiliate link to Amazon, if you decide to click on this link and buy anything from Amazon, not just the item linked to. I will make a small amount of profit that will go towards traveling in 2018 (something I love to do).