Wordless Wednesday: 1/31/18- Wolves

On Monday, the weather was forecasted to reach a high of 50 degrees so Patrick and I took this opportunity to go to the Lehigh Valley Zoo.  It was around 40 degrees for most of our visit, but it felt good to be outside and getting some fresh air.

Here are some pictures from our trip:

wolf den
Mr. Man checking out the children’s wolf den play area at the zoo


wolves napping in sun
Mexican Grey Wolves napping on a hillside


mexican grey wolf wathcing me
Mexican Grey Wolf watching me
three sleeping wolves
Three Wolves napping



what patrick was much more interested in
What Mr. Man was doing while I was watching the wolves


what patrick was interested in
Another part of the Mexican Grey Wolf exhibit that was more interesting than the wolves themselves

How has your week been going so far?  Comment below