Hey Friends, sorry it has been so long since I have written. I am going to address this problem in my 2019 New Year’s Resolutions, such as in resolution #1 where I resolve to write more.
I get annoyed when news sources write stupid stories like, “Most people don’t follow their New Year’s Resolutions.” Who cares? I think goal setting is good. Maybe most people don’t follow their resolutions, but isn’t it a good idea to have some goals to work toward in your life? If you don’t have a plan in place how do you know where to steer your ship?
My birthday is in July and New Year’s Day is almost half a year away from my birthday so for me, I always see those times in the year as opportunities to reflect on my life. Sometimes I think of my birthday as the beginning of my New Year and sometimes I think of New Year’s Day as my mid-year review or visa versa.
I have a big announcement, an Oprah sized announcement, “2019 will be the year Katie Notices Stuff. It will also the year that Katie Gets Younger.” This is in response to my life resolution when I turned 35. When I turned 35 in July 2014 and my husband turned 35 in August, we made a mid-year annoucement and decided that mid-2014 to mid-2015 will be “the year that Katie and Mr. Katie grow up”.
Then we extended “the year Katie and Mr. Katie Grow up” until New Year’s Day 2016 because during that year and half we bought a house and had a baby. To further elongate the process, we sort of extend the year that Katie and Mr. Katie grew up another year while our baby, Mr. Man, grew from a newborn to a one year old. Then we extended “the year we grew up” another year longer while our toddler got bigger and I got pregnant again in 2017. So we been getting older so some time now and I now I want to be younger.
With that idea in mind, this year, I will be celebrating the big 4-0, so 2019 seems kind of important to me. I know I won’t actually get younger, but I want to feel younger. So this year’s resolutions will reflect that. I hereby name this year: The Year Katie gets younger.
As for my hopes for the New Year, I hope I have more fun in 2019.
Last year, 2018, was kind of a weighty year for me. A lot of stuff happened. Some of it was great, some of it was hard.
So without further ado:
Here are my Lucky 7 New Year’s Resolutions:
1.I resolve to write more. I don’t know if I will publish all of it. For the sake of having SMART goals, I will resolve to write 3 days a week and publish at least once a week on my blog.

2. I resolve to start running again. This is actually my third attempt at starting a running regime. I got into a jogging habit in January 2014 ended when I sprained my ankle in June 2014. I started again when Mr. Man was about a year old but stopped when I got pregnant with Baby Nugget. So this is my third go around. I am not fast by any means and I don’t always like it, but it sure does tired me out, and talk about some good sleep at night. Also I want to run something longer than a 5K this year.
3. On January 2nd, I started doing VB6 again. Mr. Katie and I did VB6 for a portion of last year. Basically, VB6 eating as a vegan until 6pm, then you can eat anything you want. It is not that hard to go during the week I found, but the real challenge presents itself when great non-vegan food is available during the day. My solution, I am not going to do it when I go to parties. I feel like if you do it most of the time you still get the benefits.

4. I hope to make my friendships and relationships more meaningful. I don’t exactly know how this is done but all I can do is try.
5. I would like to have more fun in 2019. I want to do something epic to celebrate turning 40. I want to run something that is long for me. I have only ever run 5k so this year I would like to do something further and longer. More on that later. After I pick my event, I am going to invite others to join me. It will be in the fall of 2019. I want to do it for my birthday but my birthday is in the hottest part of the summer and I don’t want to get heatstroke. Also in general I just want to have more fun.
6. I am going to continue de-cluttering my house. Someone told me that Marie Kondo has a show on Netflix. I will have to watch it.
7. I want to notice more things. I like noticing things. It makes you feel like I am constantly finding little treasures in everyday life. I have started documenting things that I have been noticing on my Instagram feed. 2019 is the year of noticing things. Look for me on Instagram with the name EverydayadventureswithKatie
That’s all I have today folks. I will keep you updated with my progress on my New Year’s Resolutions especially how the running is going.
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This blog contains a few Amazon links. If you click on any of the links and buy anything on Amazon, I will receive a very small amount of the residues which I will put toward My Relay for Life Team.
Thank you!
What are your New Year’s Resolutions? How is it going so far?
Good job with the New Year’s resolutions, Katie!
My fitness goal is simple. I just want to be healthy enough to be able to walk around someplace like an amusement park or Longwood Gardens for a similar tourist attraction with my niece and nephews without getting tired.
As far as blogging goals: I intend to post at least 64 blog posts for 2019. This will include photos with the title #TBT. My mom and my mother-in-law both passed away at the age of 64. So, I will use 64 as my “special” number this year.
Hi Jenny, We should go to Longwood Gardens this year! I really want to go and show Mr. Man the treehouses and the awesome kids garden. If you came here, we could go. Let me know. I hope you are able to achieve your fitness goal. Also 64 sounds like a good blogging goal. I am struggling a little this morning with the motivation to write, but I will persist.