I wanted to check in with you all and let you know how my New Year’s Resolutions are going since it is February now. You can check out my original post about my New Year’s Resolutions here.
1.I resolved to write more. I think at one point I said that I would try to write 3 hours a week and publish once a week. For the first week or two that was achievable but last week it truly wasn’t. Baby Nugget has still been waking up once or twice a night and he has been getting up for the day around 6 am. Sometimes that means that I have a little thinking time before Mr. Man wakes up, but so far that hasn’t amounted to more writing time. I do have to say that the resolution to spend 3 hours a week at least on writing drove me to create 7 Ways You Know It Is Almost Mid- January and 24 Compliments for National Compliment Day which felt like a fun departure creatively from what I normally do.
2. I resolved to start running again and I started again. I have been going about three times a week. I would like to be able to give it more time than that but right now that is what I have time for. I have made my strides for me in my running. For starters, I have started not only running at the gym on the treadmill but I have started running outside on warmer days. I used to be afraid of running outside but now I think I might actually like it better because it is cooler outside so I don’t get as sweaty and I like the way the hills give me something to pay attention to. One more development, I have started pushing myself past the run then walk phase of my practice. Lately I have been trying to run really slowly but not walk at all. Sometimes I have been able to do it, other times I still walk a little. Oh, well, baby-steps! Running again has inspired me to get more serious about doing my lower back exercises too so that is a positive development. I have been having less lower back pain since I started doing my back exercises more regularly. I have been going to Pilates too every Monday morning at the YMCA.
3. I resolved to eat according to a plan called Vegan Before 6. In truth, some days I do it and some days I don’t. I would say I have been doing it about half of the time. Ideally, I would like to stick with it 6 days a week. It can be stress inducing thought. I feel like I can only do it if I prepare ahead of time because it is hard to figure out what to eat when you are hungry and you have small children needing you to make lunch for them. Also chocolate, that has any milk in it cannot be consumed until after 6 so that can be a problem for me. Lately, or maybe always, I am addicted to chocolate.
4. I resolved to have more meaningful relationships. I am making some strides with this. I have been calling family members and making playdates and coffee dates with friends. I think this part of my resolution is going pretty good. I have to say though that sometime my running or writing happens during the periods of time when I used to call people so sometimes I do feel like I give up some of my social time to work on my other projects. I still do a fair amount of social networking though, so maybe I should just spend a little less time doing those things 😉
5. I resolved to have more fun. I am having a fun 2019 so far. I hosted my first library quizzo night in January and I will have another one on February 22nd at the Indian Valley Public Library at 7 pm. I have been to some birthday parties in January and last weekend Mr. Katie and the boys and I took a day trip to Hershey to go to the zoo and visit Chocolate World.
6. I have worked on de-cluttering my house at all but I do have plans to sell some children’s items at the spring children’s consignment sales in my area. I am partial to the Just Between Friends sale and the Kids Clothesline sale. I hope to work on getting items ready in February and March. I have been making myself feel better about not de-cluttering by reminding myself that everyone else has been on a Marie Kondo craze this past January so thrift stores are probably filled to the gills right now and I am helping the stores out by waiting a few months to bring my stuff in.
7. I resolved to notice more things. I have been trying to take the world in and stop to smell the roses. I found January to be contemplative we will see if that continues. January is slow and it is easier than other months to takes things in. I hate January most years but this year I didn’t mind it so much. Maybe I need to keep a little bit of January in my heart year round so I can remember to slow down.
How Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Going? Reply Below!