Birthday SWOT Anaylsis: 10 Threats To Me Having or Enjoying the Next 40 Years (Part 3 of 4)

Hi All, we have now arrived at the part of my SWOT Analysis where we examine what possible Threats (or the T in SWOT) might inhibit me from having another 40 years of life and happiness.

To all you SWOT Analysis purists, I know that O (for Opportunity) comes before T but my birthday is tomorrow (July 24) not today so we will end on O because Opportunity is more positive then T for Threat.

Much like the book and movie, this picture was taken in West Virginia

Possible Threats to Living to 80 (another 40 years)

  1. The Apocalypse
  2. Being attached by Killer Bees
  3. Getting stuck in a time warp (though in this scenario I might live another 40 years, I just won’t experience life as I know it. I would probably be stuck in the past or something)
  4. Falling into quicksand
  5. A scenario where I didn’t leave my couch because I am too busy binge watching serialized programming on Netflix and it causes me to not eat, drink, or do anything until my end. (Who am I kidding, there is no scenario where I don’t eat).
  6. The Mothman
  7. Getting trapped in Brigadoon
  8. A Freaky Friday situation with one of my son gone awry where I don’t change back into my own body in the end.
  9. Finding the fountain of youth. In this situation, I would most definitely live another 40 years but I won’t consider myself 80, I would just call myself whatever age I decided that I was going to go back to.
  10. Finding a Cocoon type swimming pool which much like the fountain of youth scenario would mean that I might get another 40 years but I might not age the same way so time would be different).

Bonus Threat: Angry Sun paired with thin ozone. But this one isn’t funny because it might be real.

Come back tomorrow and find out what types of Opportunities I can explore if I am lucky enough to have another 40 years on the earth. Tomorrow is the big day!