What opportunities do I see for myself over the next 40 years?
- Hopefully in the next 40 years I will stop changing so many diapers
- Completely paying off my student loans (though we are almost there now!)
- Finally understanding how to play Settlers of Catan
- Running a half marathon. Ready or not here I come Delaware and Lehigh Half Marathon (November 2019, read past blog post to learn more)
- Eating more fiber (Am I kidding or not, you decide for yourself 😉
- Debuting future new website about starting a monthly trivia game at your library. It will include sample questions and game setup information.
- Presenting said trivia website and speaking about library trivia contests at the Pennsylvania Library Association Annual Conference held in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania in October 2019 (I am in the conference booklet, see me speak on Monday, October 14)
- Reading the ending to the Song of Ice and Fire books by George R.R. Martin, if they ever actually happen
- Embracing my inner Dorothy from the Golden Girls: I.e: I am excited for the time when it will be more socially acceptable for me to say whatever I am thinking without worrying about how it comes off.
- Doing whatever the boys want to do, be it up waking up at 6 am or letting them help me blog (which is what Mr. Man wants to do right now). Well, maybe not those things. But even so it is kind of cute. I want to have so many family adventures.
So that’s all I have for you today. I might have some deep thoughts about turning 40 for you some other day. Today I am not feeling too deep.
Thanks for reading.