For a few days now, I have been getting a message on my phone telling me that I am at 97% of my Google storage and I better buy more storage or else I risk not being able to save my pictures. Today I had a little time so I took the plunge and investigated the situtation before my ability to save pictures was no more. I am pretty sure all those messages were just an invitation on Google’s part to get me to spend $1.99 and up a month to pay for storage, but ha, ha fools I would never do that.
So instead I looked for free ways to make more storage. I decided to save my pictures in High Quality instead of original resolution. But more importantly, I did the opposite of what Hilary did—I deleted some e-mails!
It was both easier and harder than I thought. It was easy because all I had to do was push a button to delete entire pages of e-mails at one time. There was another option that appeared on my screen that allowed me to delete entire folders and conversations with the stroke of a button. Within 20 minutes I deleted at least half of the e-mails I had been archiving since I opened my gmail account in 2007. All those advertisements gone. Unopened e-mails, gone. It was exciting! It felt reckless! My soul felt lighter!
But also I noticed that there were e-mails that I was deleting from earlier years of my gmail account from people who I don’t really corrospond with anymore. I saw some e-mails from 2007 from the time before I met Mr. Katie and from days before the boys were around. I saw e-mails addressed from people I went on dates with in 2007. I saw names of old friends and aquantances who I don’t have a relationshp with anymore. I saw e-mails from my mom. I didn’t know if I should be deleting all of those. So I didn’t delete all the e-mails from my mom but I did delete some of them. I don’t know if I need those e-mails of evidence that my mom loved me. I have me for that. I am evidence of that.
So yeah, I thought I was just going to free up some storage space but instead things got heavy. But also lighter. I still feel lighter. I never really thought of Marie Kondo-ing as for digital storage but that stuff definetly needs to be cleaned out from time to time too.
How are you doing this first week of January?
Reply below!
Great first blog of the new year Katie. Sometimes we need to just let it go and move on. But I have to say, your emails go way back.
Thank you for reading James!