The Top 10 Least Compelling Instagram Hashtags

I have declared today Blue Tuesday. Why, here is my reasoning: according to the internet, Blue Monday is a Monday somewhere around January 20th because by that day you are well into winter and it doesn’t seem like it is going to end anytime soon. I believe today to be Blue Tuesday because the holiday season is over, you are probably back to work, but you don’t get the sympathy credit for it being a Monday. Plus everybody knows, Tuesdays are actually harder than Mondays. So maybe today you have got a case of the Tuesdays. You deserve some sympathy!

So I have something silly for you today.

Katie’s Top 10 Least Compelling Hashtags (Feel free to use at will)

10) It’s Fiber Time

9) Life of a Celery Salesman

8) I Heart Paperweights

7) Celluse

6) Fav Fabric Denier

5) Satiated Satiated Hippos

4) Ideal Gas Law

3) Just a Girl and Her Swiffer

2) Lenders Bagels Da Bomb

  1. Say It In Binary

Hope you are all doing well.

Smooches, Katie!

#fifteenpercentthatbitch (It’s a Lizzo joke, I’m not really a bitch)

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