We had a quiet little family Christmas yesterday (Saturday). Here is the story.
The festivities started on Friday, Christmas Eve.
On Christmas Eve, I took the boys to Sky Zone, a Trampoline Park, to burn off some energy because we planned to take them to 4 pm mass. While at the Sky Zone, I realized that I was just like Mila Kunis in the movie Bad Mom’s Christmas. If you saw that movie, you might remember that there is a part in the movie that is a 15 minute commercial for Sky Zone brand trampoline park. We tried a different location this time than the one that we have been to previously in Bethlehem and it really worked out for us. The Chalfont location was friendlier and it has more stuff. It was also laid out in a more pleasing way that made the arcade less of an attraction for Henry, who in the past sometimes hasn’t wanted to do the parts that I have paid admission to do and instead just wants to sit on the video game motorcycle game. I even paid to jump this time after I saw how much fun the boys were having.
Mr. Katie stayed home to finish up wrapping some presents and doing some little last minute preparations.
Patrick and Henry both really enjoyed the climbing attractions at this Sky Zone.
I am glad that we had fun but a little sorry that was hadn’t visited this location earlier. 9Our previous location does not really have a climbing area.)

Sky Zone is a little pricey but I purchased a Groupon online before the visit and that brought the price down.
After we returned home, I noticed that Henry’s cheeks looked a little pink so Mr. Katie took his temperature. Then he took Patrick’s temperature. It turned out that both boys were running a bit of a fever so we decided that we would not be taking them to church on Christmas Eve. (Also, let it be known that my plan to make the boys tired was not completely full-proof in that by the time we returned to our house in time for lunch, the boys seemed almost too tired for church. Henry did not even want to get off of the rug under the table to join us for lunch, whoops!)
Mr. Katie and I ended up taking turns going to mass with him enjoying the evening Christmas vigil after the boys went to bed on Christmas Eve and me going on Christmas morning after we opened our presents.
So things did not go quite as planed on Friday but we enjoyed a nice dinner before setting out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. Mr. Katie read some Christmas stories in the boys’ room to Patrick who was sitting with him in the chair while I laid in bed with Henry. Henry and I both feel asleep before the stories were over.
On Christmas morning, Patrick tried to rally the family to go downstairs at 2 am but Mr. Katie and I each had to have separate conversations with him to encourage him to stay in bed until 7 am.
Finally, the magic hour had arrived. . .

After the flurry of activity, we decided to take everyone’s temperature again and the boys still had elevated temperatures. Their temperatures were just at the cut-off of what is considered a fever but we decided that if the last few years taught us anything, it would be better to stay home instead of being in close quarters with other if we possibly had something. We decided to stay home instead of attending the family gathering we had been planning on going to.
Santa brought our family a Nintendo Switch this year and Patrick and Mr. Man spent much of the morning playing with it. Henry spent some time enjoying his new Daniel Tiger books and trains.
In the afternoon, we took a trip to the park to try out Patrick’s new scooter. Henry had a great time on his training wheel bike. His bike is not new but he recently has started to favor it over his smaller sized balance bike. Henry is growing up fast.
Here are some pictures from the park portion of our Christmas.

We finished out the day with some more Nintendo Switch and a delicious dinner. By bedtime everyone was exhausted.
I hope you all had a nice day as well.
Much love,
Beautiful story of a beautiful day… love to you all
Merry Christmas. Thank you!
Merry Christmas Katie and family! Looks like the boys had a fun Christmas, even with them not feeling their best. Hope the they are feeling better now.
Hi Katie,
Merry Christmas! I hope Annabelle feels better soon too.
Hi Mr. Katie and Katie: I am really sorry you missed the occasion yesterday as there was plenty of food and fun. We missed seeing you and it just felt like something was missing. It does seem like the kids enjoyed their gifts and had fun with mom and dad! Hope to see you soon.
Hi Aunt Jeanne,
It is nice to hear from you. We missed you all too. I hope all is well.
Merry Christmas, Katie and Family!