This blog went live in April of 2017. I can’t believe that it is now 5 years old. I really can’t. Time has flown. It feels like I just went live with my blog. Initially, I posted every post that I published on my Facebook page. I was blown away by the positive response that I received.
I even used to have a different blog name, remember Hic Sunt Dracones? It means something like “here be dragons” in Latin. Hundreds of years ago mapmakers used to put that word on unexplored areas ton indicate that danger might be in the unexplored.
I didn’t change the name to Everyday Adventures With Katie until April of 2018 when I won a NCAA Men’s Basketball bracket challenge and won $400 which I used to get my first URL and change my blog to a self-hosted blog. I can’t even believe that I figured out how to migrate my blog and get everything going while I had a tiny newborn and a toddler who was into everything. All I can say is that I really felt like I needed that project at that time.
All I can say is that the migration and rebranding of my blog gave me something for me to focus on at the time. I think I really needed a project outside of my children.
Nonetheless, thank you readers for being with me these past 5 years.
To say a few things happened to me over the past five years would be a huge understatement. When I started this blog in 2017, Preschool Nugget wasn’t even a twinkle in my eye (as my parents used to say when they talked about times before we children were around).
The global pandemic hadn’t started yet when I started blogging. Also I hadn’t started running in earnest and we bought a camper yet. It was before our dog Bailey passed away and before we lost my mother, my mother-in-law and my father-in-law in relatively short succession. It was before Mr. Man started elementary school and preschool too. When this blog started, I was still paying on my student loans and I was still in my 30’s.
In 2017, we probably hadn’t even been on a tent camping trip in a few years. Just to give you some perspective, last year, we went camping 6 times just in our camper. We also went once in a tent and once in a camping cottage so in that sense, yes, you could say, a lot has changed.
I feel a little funny about reposting some of these because some of these events are still quite emotional for me but they are real and represent the spectrum of emotions from the past five years.
Seven favorite posts from the last five years.
In No Particular Order:
- Here is the first post that I got some buzz about. Bathroom tourism. Friends and family told me they liked it. Once I got introduced at a party as a person with a bathroom tourism blog. I have since been on the lookout for other great bathrooms in various establishments and written about them when I felt they ought to be mentioned.
- Our yellow lab named Bailey passed away very quickly on Halloween of 2017. It was surprising to say the least but in retrospect, we should have maybe noticed she wasn’t doing well. Here is my tribute to her.
- In 2018, I was struggling after the birth of our 2nd son to find a balance with finding a balance between work interest/ ambition and motherhood. That’s why I wrote this post. Fun fact, it was written on the evening of Father’s Day.
- This is my husband’s favorite post from this blog. It is silly and fun. I wrote it just after my 40th birthday. I found something unsettling at the bottom of a pool that I was swimming in.
- Here is an adaptation of the eulogy I delivered at my mother’s funeral. It is purely Shirley. An ode to a beautiful person.
- I wrote this post in early 2020 before the pandemic really took hold and before I quit social media. It is meant to be a little lighthearted but I still stand my original thesis. I believe that Karen memes are pejorative and demeaning.
- This is also a crowd favorite at the time. I liked making my own silly memes when I wrote this. I wrote this in about 30 minutes early one January morning and had a blast.
Thank you again readers. I feel very blessed to have been able to share my stories with you for the last five years.
Life of a celery salesman. 🙂
I love that episode of Portlandia
Happy 5th blog-versary Katie!
Thank you Katie!
Happy 5th Birthday Blog!! I have to tell you I shared that blog about your Mom with everyone I know/ it is beautiful, touching, and so heart felt. It is perfect- and always makes me proud and brings a tear to my eye. I miss her and that blog really makes me remember how much she loved us.
Thank you Aunt Heidi! I miss her too. She was a special Mom/ lady.