Happy May the 4th, aka Star Wars Day (as in May the Fourth Be With You).
Remember when I said all those bad things about Star Wars. If you forgot, you can read about them here.
I used to really hate Star Wars and all things Star Wars. Ask anyone. Ask my husband or the people at my library. There is actually a holiday that gets observed most years at my library called Star Wars Reads Day. It is in the fall. I used to loathe it. When I was the children’s librarian it was supposed to be my responsibility to plan it, but I hated Star Wars and had no enthusiasm for it so another librarian took over that duty.
I think that I hated it because I hadn’t seen all of the original three movies and then I didn’t go out and see the prequels either, so it seemed like I had too much too much catch-up work to even get to a point where I could appreciate them.
But then my husband and I ended up watching both seasons of The Mandalorian and then we just finished The Book of Boba Fett. I really ended up liking them all. Also I bought my older son a book on Five Minute Star Wars Stories for Christmas before I really cared about Star Wars and those stories educated me a little bit more about the backstory. So I guess I appreciate the Star Wars universe more now.
I still won’t say that I am rabid fan of Star Wars but I appreciate it now. I don’t hate May the 4th anymore because I feel like I am part of the fandom at least a little.
How about you? Is there a fandom that you have ever felt locked out of? Did you ever grow to appreciate it?