I love a car that is decorated in a fun way.
Lately, I have been noticing a lot of negativity in the ways people express themselves with bumper stickers.
I want to counter that negativity with positivity! People should feel free to tell the world about the awesome things that they have accomplished! I am not joking.
We all do plenty of things every day that are great.
I had a great idea last week. Why should oval stickers that people put on the back of cars be limited to runners and people who visit vacation spots?
I have stickers on my car to commemorate running achievements. Honestly though, some of the other things that we do are harder, more time consuming and more challenging than training to run a specified distance.
This is where my sticker idea was born.
People should be able to buy stickers to commemorate things that are hard or time consuming or both that just don’t come up in conversation naturally.
Remember the first time you ever had to unclog a toilet. Didn’t it make your feel like an adult?

But 9 lbs? Am I right?)

I think it might be cool to make stickers for readers. Here are some from this line.

Haha I like this idea. And I like positive car stickers also.